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The next morning Ryan followed the address of the firehouse, he was still taken back from being removed from the university two day after he was just accepted. But a rumor is that these guys were also booted out of that same university, well I guess they have a special place for throw aways like us.

Ryan stepped through the doors of the Ghostbusters firehouse. The first thing to greet him was an amazing old 1959 Cadillac, the head Plat said Ecto-1, on the top of it was some sort of car battery or something. The second thing to greet him was lady behind a counter that had a phone and computer on it, she was shining her nail while somehow supposedly talking to someone with what seemed to be a little chip in her ear. Before Ryan could talk to her he heared grumbling from a box on their left. Ryan turned to face it nearly jumping from what he saw, a green blob of a ghost with two arms, it had a giant mouth filled with rotted yellow teeth. Ryan realized the ghost had a card with a couple of wavy lines on, the ghost closed its eyes and raised up its other hand too gesture a generic psychic and murmering a pair of words trying to predict what was the symbol of the card. Whatever it said was wrong obviously when it turned it over it threw them up out of anger and then gathered all of them back up.

"Well yeah same too you pal" the Receptionist said with halfway angry tone in her voice "another exciting night huh" she said making time for Welsh. "Hello Mrs?" Ryan said being formal. "Janine, just call me by Janine" she said being both friendly and inviting as well as strict. "Well Janine where can I find Dr Stance?" Ryan asked for directions. "Upstairs" Janine said pointing her nail cleaner up, before Ryan could meet everyone Janine stop him for one vital thing to know. "Oh and one more thing, when you get refrigerator privileges, and listen if you didn't put it in there you don't wanna eat, especially if it looks like Cottage cheese yeck" she ended off with giving him an heads up.

Ryan went up the stairs hearing the sounds of click, computing, sparks and people. "Hey! It's the new cadet, welcome aboard" a man said in a dark-light beige suit with a red circle and a red line crossed over with a ghost behind it on the front there was a name tag that had "Stance" signature on it, he also had a bizarre peice of technology attached to his back with traps on it like a backpack, there was another man behind him tinkering with the thing on his back, he was waring the same outfit with the same symbol on its shoulder, it's name tag said "Spangler" on it. Ryan looked around the room seeing bunches of machinery and computers  and printers, in the corner there was arcade machines that were Tekken, Q*bert and finally Space invaders. There was another man over there playing Q*bert again waring the same suit as the others with "Venkman" signed on it. "This might be a little dangerous" Spangler said working with the equipment on Stance's back. "Great. Danger is our life" he said nonchalantly as if he was used to having something that could only be a ticking time bomb on his back. "We'll start at fifty-percent capacity. That should keep any burning or tissue damage to a minimum" Spangler said tinkering with the machine, Venkman got off the game and walked over to them. "Hey. If you're gonna burn any tissue, do it to the new kid. You can't use Ray. Our mortgage is in his name" Ryan scoffed looking over at Venkman with a betrayed look on his face, then looking back over at Ray and Spangler with a annoyed pissed off face. "I guess he's right. What's your name again, Kid?" Ray said friendly. "No names, Ray I don't want to get too attached to this guy. You know, just in case. You remember what happened to the last guy?" Venkman said sarcastically, Ryan looked at him about too explod. "My names Ryan dick head. You guys if I'm not mistaken, you personally hand picked for this job" Ryan said defending himself. "Whatever you say Rookie" Venkman said smugly. "Here's your suit Kid, after you put that on we'll get you started" Ray said throwing him a suit. Ryan saw the symbol with the no ghost on it, on the name tag was his last name "Welsh". Ryan put on, as he was doing that he saw Spangler taking out another one of those machines, putting it on the pool table. After Ryan was done he looked over at Stance and Spangler for anything else. "Here's your proton pack recruit" Spangler said pointing at it. Ryan nodded heading over to it, trying to pick it up immediately realizing it had to be about 100 pounds or 150, Ryan put one arm through one strap straddling it onto his back and then the same with the other. After that he buckled it all up. "He's tuned and ready to go" Ray said. "You may feel a little tingle" Spangler said watching him ready to see anything go off "Good. We've perfected an extensive and rigorous training regimen that will teach you all your equipment's basic functions" Spangler finish off with. "It takes some time to achieve master throw skill, but it's definitely worth the effort" Ray said, but as he was done a massive Shockwave washed over all of em throwing off their balance. "Was that us?" Spangler said concerned. "I don't think so" Ray said looking around. "Ray" Venkman said demanding an explanation. "Had to be some sort of psi energy pulse. Substantial, a significant collected and centralized nercomantic convulsion level seven or more" Ray said theorizing. "Agreed. We need EMF measurement checks now" Spangler said pulling out some sort of device that had two wings that were currently raised up with lights on em flashing on and off. "I may know the answer, but I'm gonna ask anyway.... is a level seven pulse wave bad or VERY bad?" Ryan said now evaluating the aftermath. "On a scale of one to ten I would say-" Spangler said being cut off by Venkman. "Let me guess. It's  a seven" he said jokingly. "Let's just say we're about to get real busy" Ray said leading the group downstairs. "And that is not the fun kind of busy - is it, Ray?" Venkman said joking.

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