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After twenty minutes in a half Ryan, Ray, Peter and Egon showed up at the Sedgwick hotel. Ryan looked through the glass doors and saw the brilliant five star hotel interior. I never get to go too a place like this Ryan thought in his head. Ray opened the trunk of the Ecto-1 and pulled out the suspenser grid carrying all of the equipment. Ryan put back on his special modified pack and immediately remembered having the 250 pounds car battery on his back again. After everyone geared up they entered the hotel

Within two minutes who must've been the hotel Manager came rushing towards Peter. "That disgusting green blob is up on the 12th floor again wreaking havoc! I demand a refund right now" the Manager said oblivious talking about Slimer. "Sir, if you check the fine print on our invoice" said Peter sounding like he's rolling it off of his tongue. "Invoices" said Ray. "Right invoices... you'll see that your warranty on re-haunting expired some time ago. You should've taken the extended service agreement" Peter ended off with low balling the Manager of an five star hotel. The Manager stepped aside to let the rest of the Ghostbusters in, Ray gave Ryan a pair of goggles of sorts the same ones he was waring, Ryan took them and put them on his forehead so he can just jerk them down if he needed them. "I'm getting some interesting PKE spikes here. Disturbances don't seem to be exclusive to the 12th floor. I'd like to look around the building a little more" said Egon with a very very very small hint of amazement and of intrigues. "Good dig up what you can that little greenie shouldn't cause us to much trouble" said Ray in a almost tone of brushing off Egon's notice. Ryan, Ray and Peter split off to the elevators, Ryan called the lift and after a few seconds the doors opened and revealed a woman who had her hands in her face on distress. "Well hello you're perfectly safe now miss the Ghostbusters are here" said Peter in a sarcastic comedian type way, she looked up at him disgusted. "Back off loser never gonna happen" she said walking away, Peter looked at her smugly not even phased by what she just said he just walked in the elevator. "That thing with you and Dana over" said Ray looking at him confused. "No just using the classic" Ryan squeezed pass them and Ray hit the 12th.

After a couple seconds Ray looked back Ryan. "Alright ace, get ready" he said pulling out the neutrona wand. "Dr. Stantz if you'd do the honors?" Peter said. "Proud to. Dr. Venkman" said toggling a switch on his wand. The proton pack purring to life, next Peter looked back at Ryan. "Part of our settlement with the city: proton packs must remain off in heavily populated public areas" said Peter in a indulgeit tone. "I wonder why" joked Ryan. "It minimizes the city's liabilities" said Ray "and satisfies restraining order the maid here had put on us" Ryan still remembers the day the news covered a trio of men wears big machines are their back, destroying half of a five star hotel. And the lawsuit the maid field on them she said it was an act of terror. The elevator doors opened letting the three men leave. "World we live in today. You shoot a proton stream of highly charged particles at someone they get all sue-happy" not shortly after Venkman said that a bellhop with a cart of luggage comes down the hall and startles Peter. "IT'S HIM!!!" Peter fired an orangeish red stream being held by a blue lining leaving lines of burnt carpet and wallpaper. When it all had ended the bellhop ran screaming for his life past them. Ryan walked up to Peter and put his arm on his shoulder. "I wonder why they get all sue-happy" Ryan joked. "Real funny" said Venkman. Ryan pulled out his wand and took the lead, planning on going to the area where the bellhop was but in the matter of seconds the doors that connect hallway to hallway came slamming shut with enough force to not just knock Ryan down but to launch him down, both Ray and Peter looked down at him worried. "I'm fine" said Ryan out of breath and winded "I think?" Ray reached out a hand to help Ryan up. "That looked painful" said Ray concerned, after a couple of seconds a shrill giggled laughter was heared from the hallway on the left. "That way" said Ray all eagerly. "Hold on let me catch my breath" said Ryan following Ray. The three men went down the hallway and took the right into another hallway connected to a stair case, Ray was halfway through the hallway when all a sudden a brief case covered in green light flew past him. "WATCH IT!?!" said Ray warning the team, the brief case shot down the stairs case only for a few things like a vase lamp and trash can to come flying up and being lunched at the men, Ray ran over to the end for cover while Ryan and Peter to deck behind a wall. "JEEZ!" Ryan yelled. When it was all over Ryan ran over to Ray while Venkman just plainly walked over. The three men could hear the sound of liquid spilling and plate being meddled with, Ray raised up his hand to keep the two back and went to investigate. Ray could hear the distinct sound of burps and chomps, Ray peeked around the corner and saw the translucent green blob grabbing a piece of a giant drumstick and open so wide showing the yellow rotten stumpy teeth rip into the leg and completely eviscerating the turkey leg, Ray gestured both Ryan and Peter to come over. Ryan stealthily came over to Ray and stopped beside him. "Alright.... showtime. We wear him out, then we capture. That's what your proton stream is for" said Ray moving away to let Ryan take a shot. Ryan moved over and saw the green gluttony ghost jug a bottle of wine only for it to go right through him. "Here go nothing" said Ryan lining up his wand pointing towards Slimer then BLAST!!! Ryan felt the heat through his firemen gloves and force of air blowing through his hair. The proton stream however did not hit the ghost but the food tray completely evaporating it to dust and startling Slimer whom flung up its hands and screamed and flyed away, flying into a wall only leaving a stain of slimy green gunk. "You've got him on the run! C'mon let's go!" said Ray all excited "Peter!" Venkman looked over as if he was trying to bail. "Nah, I've seen this one already know how it ends. You two have fun though" said Peter rushing back to the elevator, Ray reached back and holstered his wand and pulled out a little device and lowered his goggles so he could see through them. "And this signal looks just like your elusive little targeted entity" said Ray skirting past Ryan who just stood there a little dazed from the blast, Ray waltzed over to the stain was and aimed his device towards it, two arms with lights on each end raised up and the lights going back and forth in signaling way, Ray turned back at Ryan. "Alright dig it your PKE meter is corner stone of any supernatural investigate, works like a divining rod point it at paranormal kinetic energy it measures electro-magnetic fluctuations and heats, point it away goes cold hot it better, just follow the signal to your target" after the long and stimulating review Ryan holstered his wand as well and grabbed the PKE meter from his belt and raised towards the slime. The arms shot up and the lights strobed sending little wave signal through the air, the grip of the meter also vibrated mildly. Ryan just looked at Ray as if he broke it, Ray just smiled. "Probably should've told you earlier but it's not just your pack that heavily modified, but it's also the rest of your equipment as well. Your trap, your PKE meter and your paragoggles" said Ray giving Ryan the late heads up "speaking of which. Your paragoggles are linked directly to your active PKE meter. This let's you see otherwise undetectable phenomenas while you track it. Ghost trail, object auras, all kinds of cools event!" Ryan tipped his goggles over eyes and was immediately met with green lens and a detecting scale. Ryan looked back at the gunk and showed a trio of three circles spinning around in his goggles. "Line the target up with the smallest circle for the best scan" said Ray, Ryan raised up his PKE meter to the slime and pressed the scan button. {Cataloging class one ectoplasm} Ryan looked back Ray who kicked opened a door to continue the journey. "Red signifies a hidden ghost. Green indicates an environmental paranormal anomaly. Blue means an action sample" said Ray laying down more ground work. Ryan and Ray continued down the hallway but stopped when Ryan's PKE meter turned red and arms jolted up, Ryan turned right and saw another hallway that had vases and cart luggages, Ryan PKE signaled he was down the right road. Ryan went down the hallway cautiously not to be smack across the head with vase or something. Ryan could slightly hear the noise of domestic disturbances from residents in their rooms, negative energy here could be accounted to case a split gateway here to possibly let more ghosts in. It also could accounted for why the green blob went here maybe not for a restaurant or a McDonald's, or maybe it just how good the food here must be. Ryan snapped out of the little thought trance he was in and went back to finding Slimer, scanning the whole corridor he eventually waved his PKE meter over a vase that caused its arms to shot up and all the light shining red. Ryan kinda froze on spot having a rush of something close to dread but not quite. Basically being thrown into flight or fight instincts, Ryan tremble held his PKE meter which was vibrating kinda throwing Ryan's firm grip off, Ryan accidentally must've pressed a button of sorts because Slimer shot out of the vase wobbly as if he was thrown off balance, Slimer tried to fly away but was blocked by Ray, he tried too go the other way but was also blocked by Ryan. "Getting a good scan is sort of like taking a good snapshot, when you got an entity in range hold the scan button this will analyze the ghost's PKE signature and cross reference them with your online Tobin spirt database" said Ray. Ryan lined up Slimer then scanning him {Class five free roaming Vapor added to guide} after the scan Slimer took off into a wall and disappeared, after that happened Ryan realized the what used to be red spike charts dimed blue signaling a artifact. Ryan walked back to Ray and they continued on throughout the hotel until they came across a little open waiting room filled with vending machines. All the vending machines were ripped open and covered in green slime, empty bags of M&M's and crunchs splattered across the floor in a mess and spilled soda. "Phew! Whoa! He's definitely been here" said Ray "cleaned out all the snacks" Ryan stepped forward, holstering his PKE meter back onto his belt and kneeled down to pick up an oddly clean waitress dish, it strange to the touch and it emitted strange energy that Ryan could feel. "An 'active sample' is something you can collect, like a cursed artifact. We get extra data for everything we scan and collect. Then we roll it back into research and development. The extra data let's us experiment with new equipment and offensive technologies " said Ray "which in turn you get to wear on your back to test" Ryan looked back Ray and grunted. "That reassuring" Ryan said distaste, Ryan put the tray into a rubber bag but was startled from the sudden call from his radio. "RAY!!! I don't feel good!" Venkman yelped over the radio. "Peter? Come in! You okay?" Ray said grabbing onto the walkie-talkie straped onto his suspenser. "OH NO!!! Man down! We got a man down! GO GO GO!" Ray said rushing over to a door and kicking it open. "Double-time cadet" even though both of the men were carry 200 pound packs they were still able to sprint at moderate speed. Ray and Ryan ran down two or three hallway until they made it back to the elevators, there was Peter Venkman on the floor out of breath, scared and absolutely covered in slime. "He's been slimed! Again! Hustle over here and help him up" said Ray, Ryan raised up his goggles up to his forehead again and helped Peter up to his feet. "How did this even happen? I was covering the elevators!" Peter said confused "that mutant stormboli snuck on me. Gah funktified again!" said Peter wiping slime off his face. "When one of goes down, we always help each other out. It's all about teamwork" said Ray educating Ryan. "Oh no my friend. That was back in the pre-sliming era. Now it's all about payback" Venkman said visible upset. "You guys need to get down here immediately" said Egon over radio "our live-in science experiment is tearing apart the lobby and he's not alone" Ray raised an eyebrow to this. "More ghosts? But we gave this hotel a clean bill of health five years ago" Ray said concerned. "New people die everyday" said Egon revealing the cold hard truth. "Call the elevator Ryan" Ray said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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