The Battle Trial!

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Izuku and his class were sitting down and talking in class, Mina and Kiri were throwing a ball in between the two of them. "So, who do you think is going to be our teacher today? I heard it was someone else." Mina threw the ball at Kiri, who caught it. "I don't know, it could be anyone. what if it's All Might? that'd be awesome!" Izuku walked past as kiri threw the ball, and caught it. "Yeah, it might be him. I think Aizawa-sensei is sick of us for the other day." the boy threw the ball back at Mina, who caught it. "Yeah, especially after you went and made his quirk useless against you! that was soo awesome!!" Izuku blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks Ashido." she grinned at him, with Kirishima looking at him wierdly. (I am NOT jealous! *Denies in Kiri*) 

The door burst open and All Might busted through, standing in a wierd position in the doorway. "I WALK THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" Izuku and his classmates sweatdropped at his actions. "Woah it's All Might! I guessed it! sweet!" Kiri and Mina high fived. "Today we will be having BATTLE TRAINING!! two vs two! you will get a letter, and whoever has the same letter as you is your partner!" the class went and grabbed a piece of paper with a letter on it, and started to go around to try and find who had the same letter as them. Izuku walked around, and saw that Momo had the same letter as him. "Looks like we are gonna be in a team today Yaoyorozu!" The tall girl smiled at him. "Yes, it would seem that way Midoriya-kun." Kirishima was paired with Mina, Bakugo with Iida, Shoji was with Hagakure, (You can pick everyone elses partners.) 

the screen lit up and showed everyone their matches. "TEAM A VS TEAM D! CAN BOTH TEAMS GO TO MOCK CITY GAMMA!" Izuku and Momo looked at each other and nodded, going to the mock city and waited outside the designated building. "I forgot to mention, Team A are heroes, and team D are the villains! the villains objective is to either defend the weapon, or subdue the heroes! the heroes job is to subdue the villains, and or capture the weapon!" Izuku looked at Momo. "We need to come up with a good stratergy. Bakugo will deffinitely come after me, so I can subdue him while you go around and try to find the weapon. Eliminating Bakugo will make things a lot easier, since he'll leave Iida to defend the weapon." Momo nodded. "Yeah. What's up with him anyway? he's not exactly a... pleasent person." Izuku looked down sadly. "He used to be nice... his attitude started when his quirk manifested." Momo nodded sadly. "How will we deal with Iida?" Izuku grabbed his chin. "We need some kind of substance to keep him from using his quirk to move the weapon around." Momo thought for a bit. "Why don't you just use your shinigami powers?" Izuku looked at her. "It would leave my body exposed for them to capture me." Momo nodded in understanding. "Yes, that wouldn't be good." "I can help with that~ I put something called a mod soul in your pocket, It's name is Kon. He's a huge pain in the ass, but he'll help. swallow the pill, then afterward punch it out of your body, easy~" 

Izuku looked into his pocket, and sure enough, a pill was there.  "Huh. well I guess it's time to give it a go." Izuku grabbed the pill, and threw it in his mouth, his soul reaper form shot out of his body, but his body stood in place, with his head slowly rising to look at Izuku's shinigami state. "EHHHH!? WHO ARE YOUUU!!?" the mod soul shouted. "I am Izuku Midoriya. a shinigami hero in training." "Oh. i'm guessing that means i should take care of your body? sure. I'm used to that kinda thing because of Ichigo." Izuku looked at him and nodded. "Also, tell Momo over there not to worry. I'm still here." Kon inside Izuku's body looked at Momo. "The kid says not to worry, he's still here. Also, name's Kon. Nice to meet Ya."  Momo looked at the boy's body with her eyes wide. "If your in Midoriya's body, that must mean he's using his shinigami powers right now, Right?" Kon nodded his head in confirmation. "Yeah."  Izuku looked at kon. "get Momo to figure out where the bomb is while I deal with Kachan. tell her to make a weapon sensor with the range of the whole building, and have it target the biggest weapon in here, so it doesn't target anything that's not the target." Kon nodded and looked at Momo. "The kid said to make a weapon sensing device with a sensing range of this building, and have it target the biggest weapon  so it doesn't accidentaly target unnecessary things."

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