An Attempt at Freedom

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"Nyxon! Wake up. You're going to be late to your photoshoot. You have hair, makeup, and wardrobe in an hour. Get your ass out of bed." Julie Steffano, Nyxon's mother, says beating him in the leg with a pillow.

Nyxon growls and rolls over, throwing the white comforter over his head. Leave me alone! Julie grabs the comforter and rips it off her teenage son's body. Nyxon is laying in bed with nothing but boxers and a tank top on. Julie grabs his pillows and throws them in the floor nearby so the maid can remake it later. "Nyxon, this is a very important photoshoot. Come on! We can't be late." His mother finally says in a nervously, pleading voice. Nyxon rolls off the bed and stands up, rubbing his sleep deprived face.

"I'm up. You can get out now." Nyxon says, looking coldly at his mother. Julie turns on her four-inch heels and clicks away. "Stupid bitch." Nyxon grumbles under his breath.

He heads to his bathroom and turns on the shower, stripping down to his bare skin. Nyxon glances over at himself in the mirror. Fuck, I look like shit. His chocolate brown eyes have dark circles underneath and are bloodshot. His wavy dark brown hair that is usually combed and styled to perfection is pointing in every direction on top of his head. Nyxon groans at his reflection.

Nyxon climbs under the warm water, letting it rain down on his head. His tiredness begins to fade as he lathers his hair and body. He holds his head back, running his hands through his sudsy hair trying to get the shampoo out completely. He runs his hands along his chest and abdomen making sure his body is adequately cleaned. He turns the water off and steps out of the shower.

His feet step onto the tiles of the heated floor. Oh yeah, that feels good. Nyxon stands there relishing the warmness soaking into the soles of his feet. He dries his body off with an oversized, fluffy white towel. He uses a matching smaller towel to dry his hair. Nyxon walks back into his bedroom and goes to his walk-in closet. He grabs a pair of gray boxer-briefs and slides them up his legs until they are snug on his hips. He slips on a pair of gray sweatpants, a designer t-shirt, and grabs a pair of socks and tennis shoes off the rack before walking out of his room.

"Hurry up, Nyxon! We're going to be late." Julia calls impatiently from somewhere towards the front of the house. Nyxon rolls his eyes without even answering. Like I give a damn if we're late. Nyxon pads down the wooden stairs leading to the first floor. He reaches the bottom step and sits down to put on his socks and shoes. "What the hell is taking you so long?" Julie asks, standing in front of her son with her hands on her hips, an obviously annoyed expression on her face. She looks down at his casual outfit, a look of disgust flashing across her face. "Do you really think that is appropriate to wear to a photoshoot? You're going to work, Nyxon, not the gym. You should be more professional."

"Fuck, would you stop nagging? Let's go!" Nyxon walks out of the front door slamming it behind him. He heads to the black SUV idling in the semi-circular driveway. The driver opens the door.

"Good morning, Mr. Steffano," he says politely with a smile across his face. Nyxon gives him a slight nod as he climbs into the back seat of the truck. Julia rushes out of the front door of the house as the driver opens the door to the passenger seat.

"Morning, Joe," Julia says in a fake polite accent. Nyxon rolls his eyes.

"Good morning, ma'am. You are looking very lovely this morning." Joe says before closing the passenger door and walking briskly towards the driver's side.

Joe parks in front of the building where the photoshoot is being held and gets out. He opens the door for Julie while Nyxon gets out by himself. Julie puts on a large fake smile before she strolls into the building, grabbing Nyxon by the elbow and pulling him behind her.

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