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"She threatened you?!" Tommy asked in disbelief.
"Yup." Katie said. "And trust me when I say...she meant every word."

Tommy clenched his hand in a fist on the table as Katie took another bite of her perfectly cooked slice of pizza. After what happened, she just needed to talk and vent...and what better place to go and talk than her favorite hole-in-the-wall pizza joint, Joe's.

Cliché name, yes but Joe had to put his name on everything

The Firecracker was only two blocks away...it used to be her and Tommy's spot after a hard night at the bar, Joe often stashing his key in the nook only they knew about, and a freshly made, but not yet baked pie.

"God, what a shift." Katie exclaimed, seeing the beautiful and perfectly sculpted thin crust pie just waiting to go in the fire burning oven.
"Yeah." Tommy sighed. "Even Hughie was having a good time...until Cottero showed up."
"Eh, forget about that." Katie said. "Let's get this in the oven...grab us some beers. Nothing like fresh pizza and beers."

Tommy gave a smile and nodded his head, as she started the oven. Tommy walked over to her and handed her a warm bottle of beer. Katie gave a scoff and raised her right eyebrow as Tommy just shrugged his shoulders.
"You know he only let's us take the warm ones." Tommy said.
Katie smirked as she closed her eyes and instantly made her beer ice cold. Tommy wouldn't stop staring with a smile as she did the same to his.
"I know you only grab the warms ones so I can make them cold." Katie smirked.
She gave a chuckle as she brought the bottle of now ice-cold beer to her lips.

"Think she means it?" Tommy asked.
Katie could tell that he was holding back anger, but Tommy was never one to show it. Tommy wore his heart on his sleeve, yes, but he was stoic. Never one to bat an eyelash even when confronted with danger. Outwardly, Tommy didn't look it, but was resolute. He never backed down.

James on the other hand...

"Don't think about him now." Glacier said. "Tommy is good."

"Fear, revenge, anger, regret...they're all-powerful motivators." Katie said, a distant look in her eyes.
Tommy unclenched his fist and took her hand.
"You okay?" Tommy asked.
She closed her eyes and leaned back in the old, worn faded red colored booth. Katie looked at him and saw the concern in his eyes...

They weren't his ocean eyes.

"I don't know..." Katie said with an exasperated moan. "I mean, I haven't even told Bucky, and..."
"Bucky?" Tommy asked. "What does he have to do with this?"


Katie's eyes darted all around the room as she cleared her throat. She didn't even realize she that thought out loud. It had just slipped out.

"Oh...this'll be good." Glacier said, a chuckle escaping her words.

Katie finally looked at Tommy and nervously sipped her beer.
"Because...he was there." Katie said, chancing a glance at Tommy. "He was with me when..."
Tommy's body eased back into a more relaxed state, but she could tell on his face that he was trying to hold back all the questions rattling his brain. Katie gave a small laugh and took his hand in hers, entwining her fingers with his.
"Why don't you bring your brothers to the compound on Saturday?" Katie asked, a gleam in her eye. "I haven't even shown you HALF of what that place has to offer."
Tommy finally relaxed and gave a nod.
"Yeah, sounds like a date." Tommy said.
Katie nodded and kept her hand in his. Tommy leaned over the table and gave her a smirk.

"You know Joey's gonna wanna come too, right?" Tommy asked.
"I did say all the brothers." Katie said. "Family don't end in blood."
Tommy gave a laugh and threw his straw wrapper at her, eliciting a giggle from her.
"You and you're Supernatural..." Tommy said.

Sam and Bucky sat outside but the lap pool, enjoying the warmth that still lingered in the air. It was almost fall, so these days were few and far in between. The only problem was...Bucky couldn't stop staring towards the doors. He wanted to go with her to the hospital, but she insisted he stay at the compound. He just wanted to make sure she was alright.
"Okay, what?" Sam asked, his aggravation finally reaching its breaking point. "What has got you so worked up today?"
Bucky just shook his head but continued to stare at the doors.
"You have been staring at those doors all day." Sam said. "Hell, I laid your ass out in the training room. I mean..."
Then it finally clicked, and Sam couldn't help but smile.
"Oh..." Sam said with that same grin gracing his features.

Bucky finally looked away from the door and glared at him.
"What?" Bucky asked.
"Katie's gone and you're waiting for her to come back." Sam said.
Bucky glared at him but went back to staring at the doors. He could feel Sam staring with that damn smile as he took a swig of his whiskey, Sam just holding his beer against his knee.

"WHAT?!" Bucky yelled.
"You never told me what happened..." Sam said.
"Seriously?" Bucky asked. "God, It's like you're a thirteen-year-old girl."
"Did you kiss her again?" Sam asked.
"I'm seeing pig-tails." Bucky said, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he thought about that night at 3am.
Sam gave a chuckle as he took another sip of his beer. Bucky sat up a bit straighter as he saw her walked outside for some fresh air.

When Katie arrived back at the compound, she immediately had to get some air. Yes, she invited the brothers to the compound. She had always felt something for Tommy, but...

He's not Bucky.

"And you love Bucky..." Glacier said. "Just admit it..."

Did she realize that she was playing a mind game? Possibly, but...

Katie shook her head and poured herself a glass of Jameson as she let out a huff. She looked out towards the lap pool and saw Bucky and Sam in what looked like an annoyed argument. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes as a playful smirk grew on her lips.

"Might as well have some fun..." Glacier started.

At this point Katie didn't know if it was her or Glacier who started this, but she was damn well going to play this game. She walked out the door and saw that Bucky sat a little straighter in his chair as she approached them.
"Boys." Katie said, glancing at Bucky as tongue grazed his lips.
"Just the woman we were talking about." Sam said.
"Oh?" Katie asked. "All good things, I hope."
"Always, Doll." Bucky said, his eyes roaming all over.

Katie gave a smile as she brought her glass to her lips.
"So, where were you today?" Sam asked.
Katie's smile faltered as she swirled the amber liquid in her glass.
"Sara woke up." Katie said, barely a whisper.
It took everything in her to not wrap her arms Bucky for support.

"Wow." Sam said. "And..."
"I went to see her." Katie said. "Of course...she blames me. Even threatened me..."
"What?!" Bucky asked, rage coursing through his body.
"Katie..." Sam started.
"it's fine." Katie said. "She's all bark and no bite."

Deciding to play on his emotions, she cleared his throat and took a sip of her drink.
"Then I had lunch with Tommy." Katie said as nonchalantly as she could.
"Tommy..." Bucky stated as he slowly and calculatingly stood up.
"Hmmm." Katie cooed. "Yeah, I invited the brothers over on Saturday. Jimmy thinks he can kick your ass."
Bucky couldn't help but give a playful smile.

Sam couldn't help but lean back in his chair and watch. He was having too much fun with their dynamic to not pay attention. He wanted her, she wanted him...oh this was his personal soap opera.

Katie turned to him as he turned to her, both had a competitive gleam in their eye.
"He does, does he?" Bucky asked. "And Tommy?"
"I'm sure there's something we can find." Katie said, glancing down at his lips before returning his stare.
She took a slight step forward and briefly grazed her hand against his before taking a step back.
"it's going to be fun..." She whispered in a sultry voice so only his super soldier hearing could pick up.

Bucky's eyes darkened with lust as she turned on her heel and started walking back inside. Without even looking, she raised her hand and wiggled her fingers, an extra swing in her hips as she walked away.
"Later, boys..." Katie said.

Sam's jaw just hung open as he watched the entire scene unfold.
"What the hell just happened?" Sam asked.
Buck couldn't help but laugh as he took the last gulp of his beer.

If she wanted to play...he was SO game...

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