Chapter 3 (Re wright)

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Tuesday Morning.

I had been awake for a while and just about finished packing when I remembered that I should make sure that Ella was awake.

"Eliza, please wake up my sister, tell her we need to get ready to go soon." I said, as Peggy jumped off the bed. I walked over to my dresser, grabbing a soft T-shirt and jean shorts.

"Y/N, are you all packed?" Ella asked me, walking in as I zipped up the suitcase, "me and Peggy are packed, you ready too?" There was silence. I wanted to laugh, "Look if you're nodding I can't tell."

We both started laughing, "Yes I am, and the car will be here in an hour so close up and grab your phone and then off we go!"

"Please shutdown the shop, no one gets in but me, understand?"

"Yes mam," I heard her power down, and I grabbed my earpieces and phone from the nightstand,

"Eliza, we have liftoff, do you copy?"

"Copy ma'm, it's now time four you two to leave, oh, why don't you give your sister the other ear piece, that way you can stay with touch,"She offered, i agreed with her,

"Ella, come here."

She ran over, "What?"

"Put this in your ear," I handed her the ear piece.


"So we can stay in touch, Eliza is programmed into it." I explained.

She chuckled, "afraid I'll get lost?" She teased.

"Yes, you do have a tendency to do that." I teased back, I heard a honk, "alrighty, lets go, don't want to be late." I grabbed my suitcase and Peggy's handle , "thanks for putting her in the vest."

"No problem"

"Hi, I'm Gavin (sorry if that's your name again ;) and I'll be driving you, um three to the airport."

"Nice to meet you Gavin, thanks again." She said, I felt my surcease being taken from my hand, I was led to the backseat, and Peggy jumped in, barking once, I ducked and climbed in the car. Ella shutting the door behind me. The drive was quiet, in no time I fell asleep.

I woke up to a wet nose in my ear, "Agh, Peggy really?" I said, I heard Ella's laugh

"We're here, thanks again." I smiled, "Ok, i have your suitcase, just have Peggy follow me,"

"Peggy, следовать (follow) Ella." She barked once, meaning She understood, and I was being tugged towards Ella, and the only way I could tell that I was going towards her was the giggling she always thought Peggy made the cutest consecrating dashes. I couldn't wait to see them.

"Ok, the flight attendants were notified, we got a pretty empty flight, thanks to your lunch friend." She commented when we boarded early dew to my handicap,

"Ok, I get that, but it's the flight to New York that scares me, slightly, how long is the flight?"

"About half hour, hour, just depends,"

skip to lunch because I'm lazy.

We sat down in the booth, Ella was Ecstatic. According to her, it was a very fancy restaurant, but I could honestly care less, as long as the food tasted good.

"Y/N, thanks so much for meeting me here, how is this little cutie?" She asked, I assumed she meant Peggy,

"That's Peggy, she's my seeing dog, she helps me around when Ella isn't with me." I said, gesturing to Ella, or in the direction she was supposedly in.

"I was hoping to have you work for a government organization that I am over, of course the Director approved you, I was just hoping you two would agree to work for SHIELD." She offered,

"Umm, why would you have an interest in us?"

"Because you two are some of the smartest people in the world, and we know who your dad is, and you would get to meet him."

"when would this take place?"

"Tomorrow, i could have you at my place tonight,"

"I'm sorry, but I have something important. Meeting with someone, to work on one of the projects that I've put my life into, so I have to decline, unless you could reschedule." I said.

"Who are you netting with?" She asked, I caught the curiosity in her voice.

705 words! Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment.

-Haven Flemming

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