Chapter 5

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"Why woudent mom tell us!" I shouted, I had aliased wanted to know who my dad was, so did Ella, I just thought that she would of told us at some point. "hey, its ok. your mom never liked me it was a one night thing, but now that you two are here, I can help you and you can help me. First thing on our list is to fix your eyes, I think you'll find it easer to work that way, oh and Ella, help your self to my Bio lab, Bruce is in there working on god only knows what," he said, "How did you know I liked Bio Chemistry?" she questioned, "well, I keep tabs on the bright minds like yourself," he stated, as Peggy stoped, and doors closed behind me, an elevator, "Now the procedure might have some sidefects for a bit, but with time you can ajust to it," he stated, as the elevator rode up, "oh, we have to stop at your rooms first," he stated, "you set up rooms?" Ella asked, "of course, I knew that you two would be comeing, it's just going to be moved to the joint room with the rest of the Avengers, after all there my other family too." he sated, and the doors opened. 

Natashas POV-

we were all waiting for Tony to come back from his trip to grab a business partner, one that he had worked with in the past apparently, "Exuse me, but Mr stark is almost here," JARVICE said, "thanks J" Steve said. The elevator opened, and Tony waled out, two other girls following, one of them having a dog, a seeing eye dog to be exact, the vest said 'please ask to pet me' witch was cute, the lab looked happy, and the girl was constantly petting it. The girl looked oddly like Tony, and so did the other one, sisters I presumed, with a black t-shirt and dark black short shorts. "Hi, I'm Natasha, nice to meet you" I said walking up to the girls. the first one smiled at me, "Nice to meet you Natasha, My name is Ella, and this is Y/N, oh, and that is Peggy" she said, pouting at the dog lastly. "well, its a pleasure to have you here, if Tony has you here, you must be important, what do you two do?" I asked putting curiosity in my voce, Y/N spoke up, "I'm an Engener, and Ella's a Bio Chemist" she said, "Nice, well talk to you later" I said, and walked towards the my room that Tony insisted that we all have. the girls seamed nice at least. 

443 words, not my best but schools crazy, enjoy. 

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