Aaron and some of the other boys escorted the two boys to the punishment zone, both of them shackled. When they got there they were told to stand together, stand still, and up straight in a line and they did it. The punishment zone seemed quiet and empty, they could not see signs of punishment or suffering. They were expecting to walk into a big fire or something, but there was nothing. How odd
''The Lord is very tired now and he is taking his afternoon nap'' Aaron told the boys bizarrely. Somehow they were surprised to hear that this crazy lord even needed to sleep
''It is my job to introduce you to the punishment zone and settle you in'' he continued and switched on a large tv screen.
Liam was upset to see his mother back on earth through the tv screen, she was sitting on a bed crying and looking lost and scared
''Liam your mother is going to be diagnosed with a very deadly cancer, she will die slowly and painfully, she will suffer horribly for years before death and when she dies our Lord doesn't know what happens to her, our Lord only keeps boys aged 18, everyone else goes to different lords. Her afterlife might be very nasty because whichever lord she goes to might find out that her son is not behaving himself for his lord and her lord might make her suffer for your sins. Do you want this to happen to your poor mother Liam?''
Liam shook his head ''Of course not but I am not the one making such a thing happen..''
''Yes you are Liam, you are not being obedient''
''Liam if you shout at me you will get extra punishments'' Aaron said as robotically as usual ''Now you need to decide if you want to save your mother or not. Will you agree to worship our Lord or not?''
''No, never. I am never agreeing to this''
''Ok, your mother will suffer and you will spend the next 30 years standing in a concrete cell, this cell will be too small and narrow to move in, you will not be able to move, sit down, or sleep. You will be awake and standing for 30 years and you will also see your mother suffering for 30 years, we will show you everything you did to her''
''And what happens after 30 years?'' Liam asked nervously
''You'll find out then, but you need to understand that this is level 1 of the punishment zone when you go to the next level the severity of punishment increases and it increases every time you move up a level''
Liam was taken to his standing cell to spend 30 years standing with no rest and watching his mother suffer
Ryan was left with Aaron
''Ok, Ryan, your turn...''
Aaron showed Ryan the scene of a terrible earthquake in Japan, People were weeping and searching the rubble for loved ones
''Ryan it was noted that out of the three of you, you are the most caring and the one who wants to help others the most. You volunteered in your spare time for charity''
Yeah, I hate seeing people suffer and I like to help those less fortunate than I am'' Ryan said
''Well now is your chance to help these poor people in Japan Ryan''
Aaron shows Ryan a video of a massive tsunami heading for land
''Ryan I tell you this, that earthquake was devasting but this tsunami will be 100 times worse, if this tsunami hits land it's going to kill at least 30,000 people, And then who knows what will happen to those poor souls? They may well suffer in their own afterlife thanks to you. Their loved ones left on earth will certainly suffer. All you have to do is accept your Lord, worship him and you will save these people. Will you do it, Ryan?''
Ryan was less defiant than Liam, in fact, he was almost about to agree to it immediately but he paused
''No'' he said at last ''you can't force me into this, forget it''
''Ok, in that case, it's 30 years in the standing cell for you too and you will also watch the misery you caused unfold''
''But I didn't cause it!'' Ryan protested
''Yes you did, as I explained to Liam, it is your choice. You could stop this right now but you refuse so this is your fault. You will be punished for the crime of refusing to worship your Lord and you will force many people into the punishment with you''
Ryan wept as he was taken to the cell he would stand in for the next 30 years. This was awful beyond description
''And after 30 years you get a choice again, go to worship or go to level 2 of punishment'' Aaron said calmly and politely ''Our lord will also keep an eye on you and watch your progress''
HorrorWhen three 18-year-old boys, Liam, Ryan, and Jake, die in a horrific accident they find out the horror that awaits them in an eternal afterlife with a God who likes keeping the souls of 18-year-old boys all to himself... IMPORTANT NOTE - This is a f...