Classic Shots

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Rewrite: June 14th, 2018

Mr. Lionheart passed out rubrics for our final semester projects that would determine if we failed or passed our class, Photography 101. I scanned over the assignment to see If I had any questions that might pop up during the projects. I didn't, luckily though, because Mr. L was pretty good at explaining things fully and explaining exactly what he was looking for from us. He gave us a moment more before continuing, " Also, for this assignment you will be working in partners."

Everyone cheered turning to friends, declaring them as their partner.

"Hold on now." The class got quiet. "I'm picking you guys' partners." The class groaned and slumped in their seats, with an exception of me. I wasn't one for complaining. It wastes time and it's immature and childish.

Mr. L smiled at the class and smirked. "Don't be like that." A few people rolled their eyes, while some laughed and others, like myself, said nothing.

Mr. L walked over to his desk, grabbed a tan folder and opened it, coming around to students.

He announced the people who would be working together and what the theme would be.

Eventually everyone was starting to leave with their partners to start working. I was waiting to be one of those people but there was only one tiny, little problem....

I didn't have a fucking partner yet.

I made my way to the front of the class to speak with Mr. L.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me with a warm smile.

"Uh, Mr.L ?" I asked, playing with my sleeves on my sweatshirt.

"Yes, Mr. Vallejo?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You forgot to give me a partner." I said, looking at some knickknacks on his desk.

He just smiled again and shook his head, "Oh, no. It's quite the contrary. I've saved the best for last."

Now it was my turn for my eyebrows to go up.

"What? Everyone's already together." I questioned, not following him.

"Ah, yes. Well you see, I wanted my best student to do something more challenging. So, instead of you doing nature shots, you're going to be doing a person. And that person is my son, Niko." He explained.

Fuck. Fuck me. Fuck it. Fuck everything.

I internally rolled my eyes. Niko was sexy, I'm not gonna lie, but he was a real pain in the ass. He was highly conceited and flirtatious. So they say.

The first time I met him, he was like, "Ay, What that mouth do?" Rude right? I know, but it kind of turned me on but that's another story.

"So you want me to just take pictures of him?" I asked.

"Nope. I want you to transform him into someone else. Change his personality in a picture, or you could relate him to someone else, I don't care but, he has to have some sort of costume on."
He explained, tidying his papers.

"So should I meet him or is he coming here?" I pressed for more information.

"Give him another five minutes or so." He said.

"Will do, sir." I turned on my heels and exited out the door. I walked out to the student garden and sat on a lawn chair, admiring the flowers. A few minutes later a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw no other than Niko Lionheart. He smiled and sat in a chair beside me.

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