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Tap, tap, tap.

The sound emitting from Kingston's window caused him to stir in his sleep.

Tap, tap, tap.

The series of tapping got louder and louder until Kingston finally jumped up in his bed looking around frantically.

"What the fuck, man?"

Kingston's fast beating heart comes to a more still pace as he spots his long time friend- well friend was a loose word between the two but still- Atlas standing at his window and identified the young man as the source of the tapping that kept occurring on his window.

Kingston quickly got out of the bed and rushed to the window to quiet the ever so persistent boy and his tapping.

"Do you know what fucking time it is, dude?" Kingston spits at Atlas, looking over at the clock that flashed a blue hue that read 2:16 a.m.

Atlas smiles, his vibrant white teeth seeming to glow in the dark as he cranes his neck to read the clock that he was all too familiar with.


"Exactly. So why the hell are you tapping my window at this time of night?"

"Black, it's technically the morning time. All them damn AP classes and you still dumb as shit."

"I told you to stop calling me that shit and whatever, man. That still doesn't explain why you're here." Kingston says while crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Damn, shorty. It's like like? I just came to see if you wanted to kick it with a nigga. But it's cool." Atlas turns to leave and Kingston sighs, obviously defeated.

"Let me grab my shoes real quick."

"Where are we going anyway?" Kingston asks while being lead by Atlas to some mystery place.

"Heaven." Atlas replies, intertwining he and Kingston's fingers.

The two teens arrive at the now empty beach and watch for a moment as the ocean waves crash and disappear into one another.

Atlas brings his arm around Kingston's waist and pulls him into himself.

"That's us, ya know? Always being resilient towards one another and fighting to find our own paths. But we always end up back together; as one."

Kingston nods his head and then gently leans into the older boy.

"Yeah, we do, don't we?"

They stood there for a while like that. Softly fitting into one another like the brilliant puzzle that they were destined to be.

Atlas leads Kingston closer to the shore and he settles into a spot that had a table nearby so they wouldn't get their clothes wet.

Atlas begins to strip from his clothes and Kingston follows suit.

For a while, they sit there watching the waves once more. The radiance from the moonlight above causes a shimmer of Kingston's dark flesh.

Atlas traces Kingston's back absentmindedly while watching his face, mesmerized by the mark that the moon has left.

Kingston turns toward Atlas with an eyebrow raised.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Damn, Black, I can't look at you?" Atlas teases but never breaks his stare.

Kingston's breath hitches in the back of his throat and in that moment he thanks God that his dark complexion hides the blush that threatened to creep up on his face. He rubs his neck awkwardly and fidgets around, wishing something would magically appear in the sand that he cannot keep from staring at.

Atlas grabs Kingston's head and forces him to look at him.

"You're so damn beautiful, Black. So beautiful."

" Aye, man. I ain't no bitch so I ain't beautiful. I'm a handsome lil nigga though." Kingston says defensively.

Atlas laughs and says, " You beautiful to me lil nigga."

Kingston just purses his lips while in deep thought. Atlas takes this opportunity to keep staring and the man before him.

A few minutes pass by before Kingston breaks the silence.

"What are we doing, Atlas?"

"We are sitting at the beach at," Atlas glances to his wrist to read the time, "3:07 a.m."

Kingston rolls his eyes for what seems to be the hundredth time that morning.


"Chill on me, Black."

Atlas pulls Kingston so that his chest is pressed against Kingston's back and he loosely wraps his arms around him.

"But seriously though, we are whatever you want us to be. I just know that I'd rather beside you and definitely inside you more than anyone else in this entire world."

"Even Trevante?" Kingston squeaks out, weary of Atlas's confession.

"Even Trevante. Who honestly doesn't have shit on you, babe."

Kingston smiles and looks down at the sand again trying to find something.

Atlas lifts his chin and softly places a kiss on Kingston's lips.

"I mean it, Black. You're the only person I've got my eyes on. It's been like that for a while now."

Atlas's hands slowly made their way down Kingston's torso and into his boxers. Kingston took in a sharp breath as Atlas's hands crept around his hardening member. Kingston's body moved involuntarily into Atlas's every moment and created a beautiful rhythm. Atlas sensually pumped and stroked Kingston until thick ropes of cum coated his fingers and Kingston was a moaning mess riddled with convulsions. Atlas brought up the soiled digits to his mouth and savored the taste of his newly declared lover.

Kingston eventually came down from his feeling of euphoria and kissed Atlas hungrily.

The morning came around too soon and suddenly the moonlight that was their sanctuary which protected them from the cruelty that the sunlight had often bestowed upon them, had now gone meaning that their time together had come to an end.

The pair walked together closely but not to close to avoid the stares of the morning drunks who always found a way to get started early. They soon arrived at Kingston's doorstep and Atlas cleared his throat.

"It was a pleasure as always, Black."

"I'm sure I'll see you at another moonlight, my love."

Atlas smirked and stuck his hands in his pockets, walking away.

"I always do, Black. I always do."

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