How Much I Love You

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Zakio and Yuri were laying in the backyard, on a blanket in the grass. They cuddled up close together, feeling the comfortable warmth radiating to one another.

It was a Summer night in their hometown. It was one those nights where it was humid in the air and everyone was still. The only things that could be heard were the pesky grasshoppers organizing symphonies with one another. Zakio wrapped his arms around Yuri and pulled him closer. Yuri cuddled into Zakio's chest, head resting on it to hear his heart beat. It was a steady rhythm, but Yuri noticed that whenever he touched Zakio, his heart rate increased. It was only a few paces faster but deep down, Yuri knew it was because of himself. See, Zakio was this strong, bad boy on the outside, but on the inside he was a loving and generous individual that would do anything for the one he loves. Yuri began to trace mindless creations on Zakio's biceps. Zakio sighed in content and fixed his hands into Yuri's long, raven hair. The two sat like that a few moments. Zakio's eyes were closed, taking in this moment the two are cherishing together.Yuri was battling in his mind.
Should he ask Zakio if he loves him... Or should he leave it alone?

Zakio opened one of his eyes and looked a Yuri.

"What's wrong little one?" He asked, noticing Yuri in distress. Yuri sat up and fumbled with his fingers, "Its just, We've been dating for 6 months and were very affectionate." Yuri stated, pulling his thoughts together.

"What are you getting at, Yuri San?" Zakio asked, confused.

"Well, I-Do you love me?" Yuri rushed out waiting for a response.

Zakio thought about things, like how when Yuri would cook breakfast naked and Zakio would just watch him, adoringly. Or how when Yuri just simply touched him, His body would explode with butterflies, his pulse would quicken, his heart would burst and He felt loved for the first time all because of this tiny exuse of a man named Yuri San. Yes he did love him.

"I knew it was too soon." Yuri said, getting off the blanket.

"What? No please." Zakio begged, holding Yuri in his place.

"Let me explain, Yes, I love you. I love you more than the moon loves the stars, more than the plants love sunlight, more than addicts enjoy their fix, more than the fish love the ocean, but most of all I love you more than I love myself. You make me want to live another day, Yuri San. You make my world brighter. You know exactly what to do to make me a better person. It's all because of you. I love you, Yuri San. From the bottom of my heart." Zakio finished, tears escaping his eyes as the thoughts of Yuri leaving him, made his heart ache.

Yuri was crying too. He had never thought Zakio felt this way. He took Zakio's face in his hands and kissed him with so much passion. Zakio stood and picked up Yuri San.

"Let me show you how much I love you." Zakio said as they made their way back into His home.

Zakio ran a bath for the two in his master bathroom. He sat Yuri on the toilet seat while he added bubbles and fragrances. Yuri was about to undo his clothing when Zakio stopped him.

"No love, I'm taking care off you tonight. Let me do all the work." Yuri just nodded and felt himself relax. The bath was finished and Zakio had stripped himself, turning towards Yuri to do the same. Yuri found his tired eyes staring at his lover's steadily rising member. Zakio smirked but said nothing as he lifted Yuri into the bath. Yuri moaned at the feeling of the hot water surrounding him. Zakio's member was getting harder and harder. Zakio placed Yuri in between his legs and grabbed the sponge and lathered it. Washing Yuri's back, making sure to thoroughly cleanse it. Yuri sighed and his lover's hands did their magic on his body. Zakio went down to his butt and washed there. While doing so, he left butterfly kisses on Yuri's back. Yuri was really enjoying everything Zakio was doing or him. He made Yuri feel loved, for real. Nothing could be better than this. The closeness off their bodies being as one. If that wasn't love,Yuri didn't think he would ever know what it was.

"I love you, Zakio." Yuri said, before his tiresness took over him.

"Same as I, Yuri. Forever and Always." Zakio stated, enjoying every moment of this.

So here's another for today.

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