Don't talk to me ever again.

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Beyonce's POV (recap):
I love you. You're my 🌍 can't wait to see you baby!💞

I was so confused. Me and Drake were always a little more than friends but never like this. I could tell Jay was pissed. Wtaf was going on?

Jay gave me a harsh glare. "Don't act like you don't know what's going on. How long has this been going on for?" he started to raise his voice.
"Baby I don't know what you're talking about" I sigh gently, not quite sure what it was exactly that he was trying to say.

"Don't give me that shit! I knew that man was no good! He's jealous of me, jealous of you really think he'd want you? He just wants us to argue. He'd love it if he could see us now. How long have you two been doing this secret love thing for? Maybe Emma was right. How do I even know that this baby is mine!?" He shouted at me. I slapped him with all the power I had left it me, and headed to the separate living space of the plane.

Don't get me wrong, when Jay was lovely, he was lovely, but when he was a dick, well you get the point. At this point I couldn't help the tears from falling down my face. I didn't realise that Jay's rant must have been pretty loud, as a waitress rushes in with panic across her dainty face. "Is everything okay?" She said quietly. I shook my head and collapsed into an even bigger state. The girl hurried towards me and gave me a huge hug. I told her everything.

I can't really remember what happened after that because when I woke up I was in a limo, on my own. It seemed dark outside, and I checked my phone, 3:07 am. Where was I and how did I get here? I noticed that I had loads of notifications, 10 missed calls from Vanessa, 1 text from Nicki, 2 from Drake and 1 from Jay.

My memory started to come back to me about Jay, so I thought I'd leave that text for last.

Hi Queenie! When you read this you will be on your way to my tropical retreat in Ibiza! Don't worry about Shaun, everything is sorted for you. See you soon bby💗

Shit. The last text was for the wrong person lol sorry BeyXxx
I've heard what's happened. Look, I know this is partly my fault, but Jay has seriously screwed up this time. Hope you finally see his true colours...️Xx

Van🎀 *voicemail*
Hi Girl, can't get hold of you. Ill meet up with you some time during the week when you're in Ibiza, to discuss some events coming up. Forget Jay, move forward. When you get this you will probably be jet lagged af. Love yah, bye!

My Baby💏💗💕💓💘
I'm so done. Done with you, with Maria, with Drake, with everyone. You've made a mug out of me. Don't talk to me ever again.

Okay so I'm officially confused. How does everyone know what happened? I frown at Jays pathetic text. How could he be so childish "don't ever talk to me again"? That's something a 5 year old says to their friend when they don't share a sweet. I instantly started to type a reply.

"Don't ever talk to me again"??? How pathetic can you get? You obviously have serious trust issues. It's going to be a bit hard to not talk to you since we have a baby to bring up in a few months. YOUR baby may I add.

I click send, feeling good for my slay paragraph. I make sure to change his name on my contacts. I didn't feel that way about him anymore. I get a reply within a few minuets.

We're over. I'll be the best dad in the world, to make up for the worst mother.

That was the last straw. I deleted & blocked him from my contacts and then scrolled to my Twitter.

NowCelebs: We have an exclusive interview with @jayz who says his and @beyonce 's relationship is by far over.


I turn off my phone and lay back down into the back seat of the limo. Sleep is the last thing on my mind.

Sorry this is short. Ya'll seem to be really enjoying this fanfic! THINGS ABOUT TO GET A WHOLE LOT MORE CoMpLiCaTeD! Comment <3 if you're enjoying this and you want me to update! Comment any characters/celebs you would like me to include!

Ily guys,
Stay fresh.

--theoriginalbookgeek x

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