5. Hey NYC

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Emma's POV:

"HALLO and welcome to Hey NYC with mwah, Emma Richlee!" I smiled to the audience. I couldn't believe the Jay-Z was literally inches away from me. I shot a few flirtatious glances. at him before the show, I mean, WOW. What a man! For some weird reason, Beyonce and him seemed angry with each other. Talking only when talked to and very bluntly. But Jay... He kept to seem looking at me.

I pushed my long blonde hair behind my ear as I continued with the show.

"Today I'm joined with the amazing celebrity couple, Beyonce and Jay-Z!" I clapped.

"So, how are you feeling about your performance at the CH tomorrow night?" I smiled once again, mainly at Jay.

"Well, I'm excited - we're excited - but we didn't have much time to prepare as we only found out yesterday. As soon as we got the news, I - I mean we - took the nearest flight, and here we are now!" Jay replied, awkwardly laughing, while Beyonce sat, the words I don't want to be here all over her face.

Jay kept laughing and grinning at me and I have to admit of course I was flattered. I'm no boy expert but I know flirting when I see it. Just think of it, Emma Carter! The publicity I'd get. I then shot a question at Beyonce who was staring deep into space.

"So Beyonce, are you both happy? I'm sure this is an amazing time in your lives and it's great that you can share it together right?" I said, hoping for some sort of reaction... And I got what I wanted... As usual.

"Do you know what? No. No we're not happy. All he talks about is himself 24/7 and how me wants more us time when I'm out trying to live!"

I was shocked of what I'd heard.

Beyonce's POV:

"Do you know what? No. No we're not happy. All he talks about is himself 24/7 and how me wants more us time when I'm out trying to live!"

I couldn't believe I'd just said that! I'm sure my cheeks were red. I clasped my hand over my mouth. I could just picture tomorrows headlines, Out-Raged Beyonce revels all, or maybe, Beyonce and Jay-Z not so Crazy In Love after all? I looked at Jay and could see he was hurt and angry. Just as I was about to apologise he stormed off stage, ripping of his mic and throwing it on the floor. The audience was gasping the whole way through this, Emma with a slimy smirk on her face, and I couldn't take the heat, so I ran off after him.

Jay-Z's POV:

I was hurt, frustrated, and infuriated. Why would she do that. On live tv. In front of everyone watching, probably the whole of New York. I stormed of stage in anger, I couldn't concentrate. Everything was a blur, I think I must of been near to crying. I rang for our limo, as I heard Bey shouting to me.

"I'm so sorry I just-"

"WASN'T THINKING? THAT'S WHAT YOU ALWAYS SAY!" I shouted louder. I could barely hear the limo driver on the phone so I just murmured a quick, pick us up now.


Beyonce continued to apologise in the limo, about how she was wrong. I just ignored her, I was too full of emotion to speak. I couldn't keep thinking about Emma. She was so sweet. Then I kept thinking about Beyonce, I was in a relationship. Maybe I'd text her tonight though, just a small text...

Beyonce's POV:

I was talking to Jay the whole journey, though he wouldn't even look me in the eyes. As soon as we got to the hotel I laid on the couch (as Jay took the bedroom), put on my most comfy pyjamas, grabbed a blanket and cried till I fell asleep.

I hope you liked this especially long chapter. Thank you so much to the amount of people reading! Literally it makes me so happy seeing the fact that people are taking the time to read a story I'm writing. THANKS AGAIN! I will be publishing again : this Friday.

Until the next chapter...

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