My Favorite Part

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Josuke held one of her hands against his cheek before kissing it. "Do you trust me?" He asked with a grin.

"Yes," Yukako eagerly replied. "Of course, I do." Her eyes were full with enchantment.

"Great," he said as he pulled her up to stand with him. "Let's go somewhere."

"What?" She shook her head. "No, I can't." She slumped back onto her bed and grabbed her biology book. "I have to get some studying done before school tomorrow and—" Her thoughts froze in place when Josuke placed his hands in the crook of her neck and leaned his forehead onto hers.

"Hey..." He spoke slowly. "Do you trust me?"

Yukako lowered her eyes away from his as she mumbled, "Uh-huh."

"Okay, so then let's go!" Again, Yukako was on her feet. "But, as adorable as you look now." He gestured to her old t-shirt and pajama pants. "You've got to change."

"Yeah, I know," she scoffed playfully. "But, could you give me some privacy first?" Yukako crossed her arms over her chest.

"Without me?" Josuke questioned with a pout. He held her against him by her waist. "What's the point?" He winked.

Yukako laughed. "Go on and get out before I change my mind." She hit his shoulder lightly. "You big pervert."

"You love me," he hummed before kissing her neck. Her curls tickled his nose while the flowery scent of her shampoo kissed him back.

"Maybe," she said with a small smile before placing her arms around his neck.

Yukako tried to hide her face underneath her large sunhat while on the train with Josuke. She insisted they sit on opposite sides of the aisle. Just to be safe. A few things were keeping her from being at ease on this train ride. One, what if her parents were to realize she was gone? Sneaking out was something she did often, but rarely if her parents were actually home. I don't think they'll be too understanding of "My kinda sorta not boyfriend convinced me to go S-City so we could be alone even though I'm supposed to be studying."

Two, what if someone they knew somehow saw them together? She tugged extra hard at her hat at the thought. Yukako looked under her hat to see Josuke whistling. He shot her a cheesy grin. How is he so nonchalant? Though...

She supposed that she should relax. His suggestion to go to S-City made a lot of sense. There was a slim chance anyone from Morioh would also be there and there were plenty of things they could do. Relief crept over her slowly. She did trust him after all, so there was really nothing to worry about. Right? A fly whizzed passed her nose, causing Yukako instinctively to swat at it. "Stupid fly," she grumbled.

The train came to gradual halt with a chime signaling the end of the ride. "Now arriving in S-City... Please enjoy your trip and watch your step when exiting the cart..." The overhead spoke in a cheerful yet stiff tone.

Josuke held her hand first, being that he could sense the tension between them. She was nervous like a child before giving their crush their valentine. Adorable... He thought with blushed cheeks. His hand cradled hers while they walked silently toward the buzzing city. Were her hands always this small? Josuke peered from the corner of his eye to find Yukako rosy and quiet. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "We picked a great day to come here, huh?" He grinned. The clouds hazily rolled above them allowing the sun to shine through.

Her expression softened. "Well, more like you picked a good day to kidnap me and take me here," she smirked.

"Details, details." He waved his hand as he laughed.

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