Twelve: The Conflict

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a/n: if you haven't read chapter 11 yet, please do so! there are important notes at the end of it! this is the second chapter that starts with a song lmao i'm so sorry, i hope they at least amuse you! i usually don't change the lyrics of the music ( rip i'm not that creative ) but i might occasionally switch a few, like today! the reason i'm mentioning is that is because, obviously, if i used music from a different movie, not every lyric will make sense. i'm aware, so please don't take every lyric seriously haha, i usually choose songs that fit what's meant to be happening in the scene!

FUN FACT: I modeled almost every part of Hawking's after my own university, and just added more things to make it extravagant! But this plot idea itself was inspired by Disney's ANT Farm!

And one last thing, there is now officially an Apple Music Playlist discoverable on my page ( and in search ) with songs that have been featured in this fic, staring with Chapter 11, that will be updated every time I post a new chapter so you can listen while you read! I don't personally have Spotify, but someone who does and has the time to keep a playlist in order and up to date, please volunteer to create one for those who don't have Apple Music! I'll post about it with the next chapter!

And one last thing, there is now officially an Apple Music Playlist discoverable on my page ( and in search ) with songs that have been featured in this fic, staring with Chapter 11, that will be updated every time I post a new chapter so you can ...

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"I'M FIIIRED UUUP, tryouts today! I'm gonna blow em away, yeah. Dad says I can't go wrong, no. As long as I keep this on, oh. Hawking's been the best, like, forever! Mom's counting on me, no pressure. Performing's in my family genes, come on, let's do this thing!" Enter Calla Juliette Stone, daughter of the city's leading newspaper editor and current student at the Hawking's Institute. Well, current mean girl was more like it. But Calla hadn't always been that way. Her dad was in the military, a general actually, so she'd traveled a lot. A new school every semester, if not sooner. It made her social life incredibly hard. In fact, she was pretty much a social piraña everywhere she went. No one wanted to make friends with the new girl who would just move away in a few months. But then she got into Hawking's and her dad retired for her sake, so no more moving.

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