The Zeudos

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Zeus, the God of the sky, was the youngest son of the Titan Cronus, brother of Poseidon and Hades. After the incident when Cronus swallowed his own children, being tricked into thinking a swaddled rock was Zeus, Zeus reached manhood and fought him. This battle was known as The Titanomarchy.

There are multiple ways said that Zeus retrieved his siblings from the stomach of Cronus. Once they were all released, Zeus went to Tartarus where he killed Campe and gave freedom to the Cyclops, the Hecatonchires and the Giants. As a thank you, the Cyclops gave Zeus the thunder and thunderbolt. Later, with help from everyone, Zeus defeated the Titans.

When the Titanomarchy was over, Zeus and his brothers ruled the world that was divided by luck. Zeus held the sky and air, Poseidon the sea and earth, and Hades kept the Underworld. During this time, Zeus was the supreme ruler, known as the Lord of the Sky, Rain God and the Cloud Gathered.

After eons of ruling in Olympus, Zeus was faced with a terrifying surprise. His brother Hades had created a species so devious that it resembled not only the Underworld, but Hades himself. They were the Hadis, and they slaughtered the humans that the Gods and Goddesses worked so hard to protect. Without the faith of mankind, Olympus would fall.

Zeus and his good brother, Poseidon, fought with Hades. They tried to form deal after deal with Hades to save their race of humans. Hades wanted none of their proposals. He gave his brothers one choice, their humans would live if the Hadis ran the earth. Unwillingly, Poseidon and Zeus took his deal.

Zeus worked hard after that, trying to come up with a solution to free mankind. Though Poseidon grew tired of his brother's long hours which ended with no further success, and formed his own army of Olypmus warriors - Gods, Goddesses and Demigods - to fight the Hadis and let the humans rule the earth once and for all. Zeus agreed with Poseidon's plan, but he never stopped working.

After time, with the Hadis said to be destoryed and the humans back in their rightful position, Zeus finally created it. The Zeudos. They were disguised as humans but possessed the ability to see the aura of a Hadis. It took Zeus years to perfect the recipe, but once satisfied, he unleashed the Zeudos down onto earth.

They were an innocent species. Zeus claimed that if they witnessed a Hadis they would only then find their fighting powers within. They would be equiped to fight and destroy any Hadis they came across.

Poseidon thought his brother foolish to have made such a species. The Hadis were gone, balance had been restored, however he let Zeus do as he pleased. There was no harm in placing a species that would never be activated.

Years passed by and they quickly forgot about the Zeudos. They weren't important. No Hadis had been spotted, no Zeudos realized its true abilities, all was sound. It was once they were forgotten that their powers began to spark. Untraced, the Zeudos began to hunt and kill the Hadis, keeping balance in the world. What no one thought they would see, was the later pairing of Zeudos and Hadis.

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