A Date

320 14 11

"FIRST RULE TO DATING IS TO GO SOMEWHERE SPECIAL! THAT WOULD BE THE COLLEGE WHERE WE FIRST MET!" He started walking to his red convertable. "So.. we're having the date at the college?" You asked, more amused than anything. Only he could come up with an idea like this, and you couldn't help but love that weirdness. "YES! HOP IN!" You'd never been in a convertible before. It was exciting!


You were at the college now and Pap was reading rules out of a small book. It was adorable. "STEP ONE! WEAR NICE CLOTHES!" He looked at you and turned tangerine. "Y-you seem to already have that one down.."
"Y-yeah! Um.. you look adorable in your outfit.." He whined, face going oranger at the complement. "You do too.." You blushed yourself. He cleared his throat. How does he- "SEEMS WE'VE ALREADY DONE MOST OF THE STEPS.." He tossed the book. "THERE'S A SECRET TO MY OUTFIT! CAN YOU FIND IT?"
"A.. secret..?" You did a double take on his clothes. Everything looked normal and you majorly agreed with the shirt. He was a very 'Cool Dude'. Then you noticed something seemed a little off about his hat. "Hm." You reached up and plucked it off his head. "Is that.. spaghetti?"
"YES! He exclaimed excitedly. ""YOU SEE, I'VE BEEN PRACTICING REALLY HARD ON MAKING SPAGHETTI THE HUMAN WAY AND MAKE THE BEST DISH FOR YOU! I.. I hope you like it.." He passed the plate down to you. Strangeness aside, it was very flattering that he'd been practicing so hard, and it had you blushing like mad. You took a bite. It.. still wasn't perfect, but much, much better then the first time around. At least this time it was edible. "It's good. Could let the sauce thicken a bit more, but otherwise you've definitely improved! I'm proud of you, Pappy." He whined again, face going full on orange. He tried to hide in his gloves. Cute! You finished the plate. "Did you bring anything for yourself?" He shook his skull, still hiding. You gently took on of his hands away from his face, holding it. "Come on, then. I know a good restaurant, that's not a grease trap, that I think you might like."


You parked the convertible in the restaurant parking lot. "O-olive Garden..?" You nodded. "It's Italian. I figured it'd make sense since I had spaghetti, you have some too." You chuckled and got out. Papyrus followed behind you. You let him order what he wanted, you would cover the expenses. The people were friendly and the staff, seemed to enjoy Papyrus' excitable nature. He ordered a plate of spaghetti, of course, and a lemonade. "So how do you like it?" You asked while waiting on his food. "IT SMELLS SO GOOD IN HERE!" You chuckled. "That's good. I was thinking maybe we could walk one of the trails by the park or something.. I'm not ready to go home yet."
"OK! I LIKE WALKS!" You laughed. "Me too, Pappy, me too." Then Papyrus got his food. When he tasted the spaghetti.. You'd never seen anything like it. His sockets burst into orange stars with a mile wide grin. "WOWIE!! I NEED TO KNOW THIS RECIPE!" You were happy that he was happy.


You both found a nice trail going through a more wooded area in the park. Oddly enough, Papyrus had never been more in his element then now. The scenery just fit him so well. A gentle predator roaming his territory. A strange description, but that's what he reminded you of. That and the skeleton wolf. As the sun started to set through the trees, the way the light reflected of his bones. He looked absolutely handsome. You took your hand in his and intertwined your guys fingers. He blushed. You blushed. "We.. should do this again.. I had a great time."
"I did too, Papyrus. It was an amazing experience.. you really know how to flatter a girl." You smiled up at him. You couldn't read his expression. It wasn't something you'd seen on is face before, but you did know that it was nothing negative. He cleared his throat and shook his skull. "SHALL I TAKE YOU HOME BEFORE IT GETS TO LATE?" You nodded, a little disappointed to see it end. "Do you know the way to my place?"


Papyrus parked on the side of the street. "How do you know where I live?" You asked curiously. "I-I UH.. SEEN YOU LEAVE IT BEFORE WHILE DRIVING BY?" It was more of a question then an answer, but you accepted it regardless. "Oh.. alright. See you tomorrow?"
"Ok! Have a good night!"
"YOU AS WELL!" You stood there awkwardly, not knowing if there was anything else you should say. He was much the same way. "Uh.. bye." You started towards the house as he called bye back. You 180ed and gave a quick wave before he drove off. What a wonderful day.

Hybridtale (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now