01 - he's off limits

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chapter one

third person;

"okay everyone quieten down," the teacher said as he came into the room, looking around at the students. "there you are.. everyone we have a new student today, angel. show her that this is a well behaved class."

"we're not a well behaved class," jack, who was sat beside her, turned to tell her as she slowly nodded.

"so angel, any interesting facts about yourself that you'd like to share with the class?" mr. hendricks asked.

"um.. no," she softly shook her head. "i don't have anything to share."

"that's okay," he nodded, going over to his desk as started to talk about the work for that lesson.

handing a pile of work sheets to the students at the front which was slowly passed down to the back of the classroom, each student taking a sheet when they received them.

"do you know how to do this shit?" the boy beside her had turned to face her. "i'm jack by the way."

"um.." she mumbled looking over the sheet. "sort of."

"that's good enough for me. i'm going to like you sitting here," he said as she gave him small smile before turning her attention to the work.

after mr. hendricks had explained some of the sheet he took a seat at his desk while the students all got on with their work.

angel kept to herself as she filed out the answers while the rest of the class was very talkative with their friends, not one hundred percent focused on the work since their teacher was very laid back and didn't mind.

"hey," jack turned to face her, looking down at her work. "woah, i thought you said you sort of knew how to do it not that you're a wizard."

"you're a wizard angel," he laughed at himself as she had a small smile on her face from realising how nice the people at this school were.

"what would you like?" she looked at him and then down at his work. "did you want help?"


she helped him with the question he was stuck on, explaining to him how to answer it before they both continued their own work.

daniel turned around to face the two. "jack," he said getting the boys attention, handing him a piece of paper.

"what am i doing with this?" he furrowed.

"give it to.." he explain, pointing at the girl beside his friend as jack nodded. "thanks."

"here this is for you," he said handing the paper to angel. she looked at him confused before unfolding the paper, reading the note;

' hi ur really pretty<3 '

"who's this from?" she titled her head.

"daniel," he pointed at the boy as she nodded.

she ripped a piece of paper out from her book, putting the note from him in there and closing it before quickly writing;

' aw thank you. you too :) '

"why don't you writing your number on there so i don't have to keep doing this," jack whispered to her, also trying helping his friend out.

she thought about it for a second before adding her phone number to the bottom. folding the paper in half and asking him to hand it to daniel.

he read her response, turning around and quickly sending angel a smile as they made eye contact. and after their quick interaction the two both went back to their work, not wanting to disturb each other or jack anymore.

the hour long lesson had come to an end, the bell for lunch finally rung and everyone made their way out of the classroom. angel walked through the hallway, mainly following people as she found her way to the cafeteria.

grabbing a tray of food, she glanced around the room to find her group from yesterday and going over to their table. "hey," she said softly as she took a seat beside hollie.

"hey, how are you? how was class?"

"i'm good.. class was good," angel responded to hollie with a small smile.

"that's good," she smiled back at her.

she slowly nodded as awkward silence came over the group. she looked down at her food, eating some of it, while some of the others started up a conversation. she grabbed her water bottle from her bag, taking a sip.

"so any guys you're interested in?" hollie said, softly nudging angel as she put her bottle down on the table.

"or girls, whatever you're into," luna added.

"uh, no not really.." angel said awkwardly as she looked around at the group.

"we pretty much know everyone and their relationship status so just let us know if you wanna know about someone," kaitlin explained as she nodded.

she spotted the boy from class earlier, "actually.. who's that guy?" she asked pointing over towards him.

the group all looked over in his direction then back at her. "which one?"

"i don't know how to describe him.. he's in my chemistry class, not jack the other one. actually i think his names daniel," she rambled.

"daniel," the group all repeated pretty much in sync as they looked between each other before at angel.

"you can't date him. he's off limits," jasper stated, with a small laugh. "just forget about it now, there's no point in trying."

"oh.. does he have a girlfriend or something?" she furrowed. 

"he's my ex.." tamia explained. "you know.. girl code. don't date friends exes. we're friends so you can't date him."

"oh.. okay.." angel sort of mumbled.

"yeah, he's no good anyway," tamia continued. "i regret those two months with him so much. he wasted my time."

"they were like serious, she lost her virginity to him and all. and then he dropped her for the girl he cheated on her with," kaitlin explained as she nodded. "so yeah he pretty much played her"

"basically, he's not worth your time," luna added.

"you're nice, i don't see you going for a guy like him anyway," hollie said. "there's way nicer guys than him."


"we're all for you having a boyfriend-"

"or girlfriend," jasper cut her off. "once again whatever way you swing. i'm into guys myself if that makes you feel more comfortable."

"she just asked about daniel.." kaitlin furrowed, confused on why he felt the need to add that again now.

"she still could like girls," he softly hit her.

"anyway we'll get you with any person you want, and we'll be happy for you no matter who," tamia reassured her. "as long as it's anyone but him and his friends."


btw these first three chapter are the same as the old ones for anyone who started love letters

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