going psycho crazy

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one thing you have to understand about savannah was that she loved golfing. usually, she would just ignore rafe but when him and topper said they were going golfing at the cameron's house, she asked immediately if she could go. she doesn't really know like how it works or how you get points but she knows that she is really good at getting the ball into the hole. and also free alcohol provided by topper. as she made it to the golf course, she sees topper and waves, walking over to him. rafe comes back from getting some drinks and rafe tries to speak to savannah. she puts a hand in front of his face, and signals him to shut his mouth.
"now while i'm here i have some rules, don't speak to me, don't look at me, don't even think about me. alright asshole?" she asks while facing forward, not even looking rafe in the eye.
"now let's go play!" she says in excitement towards topper.

along the way, savannah decided she wanted a drink too, so she left the two boys and walked towards toppers car, she grabbed a beer that was inside. when she was walking back, she saw the last person she wanted to see.
"oh hey, princess." jj scoffed at seeing her. but it's a golf course, where kooks go, so why wouldn't she be there?
savannah clenched her jaw and looked anywhere but his face.
"don't call me that."
"oh what? you don't want me to call you princess?" jj smiled at egging her on.
"yeah i don't like it." she smiled politely at him while silently cursing him out.
"you don't like the name? oh, but it's what you are. a kook princess." jj annunciates the last word.
"i'm not a kook princess, pogue. my family didn't evolve from old rich white guys, okay? my mother worked her ass off to get where we are now, and it's fucking hard to bring yourself up in a community like this one as a black woman. so don't talk shit when you clearly know nothing." she looks him in the eye and gets in his face.
he looks at her aggravatingly, but savannah knew better than to cause a scene. she walked away from him, leaving him speechless.

when she finally found topper and rafe again, they were talking about the party and drugs.
"are you kidding me, man? the way sarah runs her mouth? hell, no." he hits a ball and goes onto another part of the course where other men were trying to play.
"what about sarah?" she asked, taking a drink of her beer.
"nothing." topper shaked his head.
rafe turned around and saw pope walking with grocery bags in his hands.
"whoa, whoa, whoa."
"what?" savannah turns around and sees pope herself.
"i don't think he's a member, do you?" rafe's brain was thinking a million horrible things.
"nah, it's fine, let's go get your ball." topper pushes him back lightly.
"they put a gun to your head, bro." rafe tries to convince topper what he was about to do was okay.
"it's fine. let's go." topper assures him.
rafe walks towards pope anyway.
"rafe! stop! this is bad idea!" savannah says, following him.
"hey, what's up, man?" rafe says to pope. "how much for one of those beers?" rafe points to the beers pope was holding.
pope was trying to keep walking but rafe stopped him with his golf club.
"they're not for sale." pope says, then tries to walk away.
"rafe, we have our own drinks anyways so we don't need his." savannah tries to pull rafe off of pope.
"no, no that means that you can just give us one, right?" rafe asks pope.
"or you can order one, like everybody else." pope tries to walk off again.
"no, wait. you're not listening to me. you've got so many bro, and we've got nothing."
"we have a twelve-pack in the car. we can go get it right now." savannah pulls rafe again, trying to pull him away from pope.
"they're not even mine. they're already paid for." pope tells him.
"already paid for? you probably stole 'em right?" rafe rips the grocery bag open, making pope's groceries spill out.
"what the hell? you owe me for that!" pope screams.
rafe just throws more of his groceries on the ground.
"hey, i don't own you shit pogue!" rafe pushes pope.
"rafe! stop! i can go buy you a beer right now!" savannah gets in the middle of rafe and pope.
rafe just pushes her out of the way.
"what the hell? buy your own shit!" pope pushes him back.
"hey! come on, man. we just want one of these beers! just give us one these beers!" topper tries to fry the alcohol out of the pogue's hands.
"you guys are freaking crazy!" pope tries to keep the beer in his hands, but he's struggling so bad that he falls on the sand. pope gets up and tries to swing at the boys but rafe retaliates by hitting pope with a golf club.
topper starts screaming at rafe, trying to get him to stop. savannah comes up next to rafe, and pushes him back to try to get him away from the pogue. rafe slaps at pope's face trying to get him to look him in the eye. before rafe can do any more damage, savannah takes her beer bottle she was drinking and smashes it over rafe's head.
"what the hell, savannah?" rafe starts coming at savannah but she picks up his golf club on the ground and holds it as a weapon.
"back the fuck up, i swear." savannah blinks back the tears as she realizes what she was doing.
"hey, calm down sav." topper puts a hand out, trying to take the golf club away from her.
"get the fuck away from me!" savannah swings at topper, but not in time for topper not to back off.
the two boys run off and she throws the golf club on the sand, falling to her knees to talk to pope.
"hey! are you alright?" savannah shakes pope.
"yeah, i'm okay." pope tries to breathe.
"no, you're not. you need stitches," savannah pulls up pope's shirt to see where topper and rafe hit him and saw the red mark, "that's gonna bruise, so i can't do anything about that, but i can help you with the stitches." savannah helps pope up. "can you walk?"
"yeah, i'm good. i don't need your help." pope sneers at the kook, knowing it was her friends who did this to him.
"look, i'm assuming you don't have the time or money to go to the emergency room." savannah crosses her arms. pope doesn't answer but savannah knows that she's right.
"come on, i have a place i can take you that won't cost any money. i drove here, come on."
savannah and pope pulled up to a nice little brick house, but pope was confused because it was on the cut.
"where are we?" pope asked, looking over at savannah, who turned the car off and took her keys out of the ignition.
"we're are at my aunt marjory's house. get out, come on." savannah put her shoes on the gravel driveway, and walked slowly. she knocked on the white screen door, smiling when she sees her aunt in the door.
"well hi, savvy!" marjory beams at savannah.
"hey auntie." savannah smiles, but her smile falters as she sees marjory notice pope.
"well, you remember how you told me, 'i would do anything for you,' i kinda need to redeem that favor now." savannah smiles her biggest smile, and pulls out the puppy dog eyes like a child.
"okay, i guess. come in." marjory assumes the favor is something lighthearted.
pope walks in behind savannah and snickers. "savvy?"
"it's her nickname for me, shut up." savannah rolls her eyes.
"sit down, please." marjory goes into her kitchen. "do you guys want some tea?" she asks.
"what the eff are we doing here, savannah? you said i need stitches." pope whispers.
"no thanks, auntie!" she says back. "what i was wondering about that favor was, do you still have your nurse kit? like when you used to be a nurse?" savannah says while looking at pope, waiting for him to get the hint. pope's face looks like he had a realization, but before he can speak,
"of course, i do. but what do you need it for?" marjory re-enters the living room, seeing pope remove his hat so she could see him bleeding.
"oh my lord, what the hell happened to you?" marjory gasps. she runs off to a room towards the back of the house, and comes back to where sav and pope are.
marjory sits down to be level with pope, "now what happened?" she gets everything needs to out of what looks to be a first-aid kit.
"i was at the golf course, and.." pope frowns thinking about.
"topper thorton and rafe cameron jumped him." savannah filled in for him.
"oh my god, what did i tell you savannah? i knew those boys were trouble." marjory starts doing the suture on pope's wound. "all done."
"that quick?" pope asks, astonished after reading all those medical journals.
"that quick. i used to love doing sutures." marjory smiled. "and to hide it, here." marjory places a bandage over the stitches.
"thanks, auntie. i love you." savannah hugs marjory. they end their hug, and marjory looks at pope.
"stay away from those boys, sweetheart. they're nothing but trouble." marjory sympathizes for the pogue.
on the way home, pope is itching to ask savannah questions. he starts to ask her one, but then he stops.
"you can ask me questions if you want." savannah chuckles.
"how come your a kook but your aunt lives on the cut?" pope asks as soon as she finishes her sentence.
"my aunt just decided that living on figure 8 wasn't for her. she thought it would be bad for her since she has bad memories of kooks. she would be upset if she knew how i act." she murmurs.
"why'd you help me?" pope asks her.
"anyone would've done what i did in my position, maybe not go psycho crazy like i did, but they would have defended you." savannah parks her car in front of pope's house. "and i really wanted to shut rafe up." she laughs, and he laughs too.
"kiara was right about you." pope says as he gets out of the car.
savannah was stumped by that last sentence. does kiara talk about her? did kie miss her? savannah couldn't tell if she missed kiara or not, all she knew was that her stomach churned at the thought of kie thinking about her.

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