Part 2

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"Okay I will start the paperwork and zoom you two later next week for information" the lady says as she leaves the house to go back to the office

Kendall could see Logan was incredibly happy about the choice and they were going to have their family in a matter of time

"Well, I am very pleased with our decision to take these ones in for the holidays as well I hate to see them go through the system every time and they might get beaten to a pulp" Logan says as he was thinking about Christmas now cause they had a lot to think about as well

"Me too Logie as long as you are happy, I'm happy" Kendall says as they kissed cause Logan was on cloud nine right now with the new additions to the family

Logan gave him a huge smile cause he was over the moon that they were adopting those angels

(Months later)

"Hey guys just checking on things" the social worker says when she zoom them

"Everything is going good no complaints at all it was rough going at first with the little ones, but they recovered, and they are adjusting just fine as well" Logan tells her

"That's good that's very good news to hear that means they have found their forever family" she tells them

"You mean we can adopt them?" Logan asks her

"Yes, you may, and you can fill out the paperwork and we will start the process and then go from there" the lady tells them

Logan was crying tears of joy that he was going to have more kids, and that their dream was coming true no matter what happens if they end up having a little one later on in life

"When can it be finalized?" Kendall asks her

"I am going to get the process going and we will do video visits with the courts" the social worker tells them

"Okay I hope we can keep these precious ones they are too perfect" Logan says as he held the baby right now cause the baby was six months old and was a cuddle bug and loved to be held a lot, but she was ready to be the baby on the move, so she could crawl or walk to get her cuddles that she wants

"You will they seem to love you and they are fitting in just fine by the look of things, and when you guys have the court dates it will just be you two in the courtroom no one else cause of this virus" the social worker tells them

"That's fine I hope we can be these little one's parents forever" Kendall says as he had the baby in his arms

(Months later)

"Well guys I have some very good news for you guys" the social worker says as she called Kendall and Logan

Kendall and Logan waited anxiously as they waited for the news cause they have been anxious for days on end right now

"Well, what is it?" Logan asks her cause he was waiting to hear the news to see if they were able to adopt them or not and they were hopeful that they could adopt them cause they were great little ones

"Well, you guys are parents to those girls" the social worker tells them

Logan cries tears of joy that the girls were theirs

"I'll be by with the paperwork later on" the social worker tells them 

"Okay we will be waiting" Kendall says as he gets off the phone with her 

"Kenny, we got the girls" Logan says as he pours some of the bubbly 

"Yeah, and now the real fun begins" Kendall says as he looks at Logan 

"Yeah, it does I'm glad to be on this journey with you Kenny" Logan says as they kissed 

"I am glad to be on this journey with you Logie" Kendall says as they shared a kiss 

"Now we have to make good memories with these girls" Logan says as he was thinking of what they could do to make more memories with the girls 

"Yeah, we do like teaching them right from wrong and how to ride a bike as well" Kendall says as he was thinking ahead a little bit as well 

"Plus taking one for all the dads out there like play dress-up with them and let them do our make-up, nails and everything else that comes with having daughters" Logan says as he was going to look at the dress-up clothes that the girls had cause they had to add to that collection in time with hats, boa's, and anything else that they could think of as well 

"You can do all that stuff with them, and I can teach them how to ride a bike cause I would love to see you in a boa and a hat Logie" Kendall says to him 

"Okay you got a deal" Logan says as they shook on it 

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