Actual adoption part 1

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Breaking this up a bit with my schedule being the way it is right now caused of no help at either store still and no one else wants to go to Bolivar to work as well

"Yes and all we have to do is wait for this little one to crawl on her own" Logan says as he was looking at the baby

"Then we will have no more babies," Kendall says to Logan

"I want two more babies Kenny," Logan says as he was ready to cry

"Okay we can have two more or more babies Logie," Kendall says as they were ready to kiss

Logan was happy about that a lot cause he wanted to expand the family somewhat cause the girls were really growing up and Topaz will be a year old before they know it and they will be potty training Kiki once she gets used to walking and that will be a big step

(Months later)

Kendall and Logan have celebrated Kiki's second birthday and they were busy planning Topaz first birthday cause those two were close in age and they liked that a little bit cause they were going to be roommates down the road once they have been potty trained cause Kiki loved Topaz right now and they played with each other a lot of the time and that was great with Kendall and Logan cause they could leave the girls alone a lot of the time, and Kiki wanted sissy to nap with her and Kendall and Logan was okay with that right now. Kiki wanted papa to play with her Logan did role play with her and they loved it

"Kenny we should start talking adoption for the next baby cause I have baby fever really bad," Logan says as he was going over their finances right now cause it was looking promising for another baby to enter the mix

"Okay we can talk," Kendall says cause the girls were napping right now so it was the perfect time to talk and get things moving cause there might be a baby out there that needs them as their parents cause Logan was ready to be a parent again

Kendall and Logan talked for a long while until they decided to look at babies cause they were going to go with a newborn as their first choice cause they had a lot of newborn clothes

"Okay we will go with local adoption first the international cause that will be quicker," Kendall says cause they were busy looking at babies

"Unless a baby gets dropped off at our doorstep first then we can go from there," Logan says cause he wanted a baby really bad and he wanted to do anything to get one and he wanted to experience pregnancy if it came down to it

Kendall saw if they had enough money if Logan wanted to do a pregnancy to have one of their own

"Kenny, can we get the process going on both adoptions?' Logan asks him

"Sure we can Logie," Kendall says as he was going to join Logan

Kendall and Logan had everything done in a couple of hours and they were going to send it off so they could get picked for a baby or another little one cause the two that they had were perfect for them and they wanted their kids to have siblings 

"Now we wait," Logan says to Kendall

"Yeah, and if you wanna carry a baby Logie we have the funds to do it," Kendall says cause he was racking numbers

"I have to see what kind of doctor will help me through the pregnancy" Logan tells him

"We can research later tonight if you wanna go through with it," Kendall tells him

Logan was going to think it over cause if they go through with it they could have a baby in nine months instead of years cause he had a bad case of baby fever and he wanted to do anything to have a baby right now

(Month later)

"Okay Kenny I have the answer that you want," Logan tells him cause he had been thinking this over for a long while right now and he wanted to go through with it cause it was bugging him to the core right now

"What answer is that Logie?" Kendall asks him

"I want to carry the baby as we wait for an adoption answer," Logan says to him

"You sure?" Kendall asks as the phone rang

"Positive," Logan tells him as he was thinking about it right now cause he was getting tired of waiting for a baby to come available cause this was as close as they were going to get right now to have a baby cause of the paperwork they will have to go through to adopt as well was enough for them and they might have less hassle if Logan carries it to term as well so they will have a baby faster, but there was still a chance that their application can be approved or a baby can still land on their doorstep

"Okay I can see what can be done," Kendall says as he was going to get things moving for this to happen

(Months later)

Kendall and Logan's dreams were crushed due to the virus that was going around

"Maybe we might end up fostering a little one," Logan says as the phone rings and Kendall answers it

Logan waited with bated breath to hear the news of what's to come

"Logan we are going to be fostering a little one," Kendall says to him

"How?" Logan asks him

"The little ones that ended up in the system need a home and we are a match and we will be meeting her soon," Kendall says to Logan cause the agency was going to be bringing the kids to their homes soon cause the agency didn't want the foster parents to be putting their lives at risk right now with the virus that was going around

"How old?" Logan asks him

"She is a baby at the most and no one else wants her the poor thing" Kendall says as he was getting some more items out that they needed right now for her

"How many months?" Logan asks him

"I don't know right now Logan I will tell you once I find out the info" Kendall says when he hears the doorbell ring

"That has to be her" Kendall says as he hears the doorbell ring

The lady had a close to a month old baby girl in her and the baby was sleeping right now in the lady's arms

"She is so precious" Logan says as he takes the baby

"The mother gave her up last minute" the lady tells them

"Oh hi little one" Logan says as he was looking at the baby that he had in his arms right now

"She is too cute" Kendall says as he was looking at her

"Yeah let's get her settled" Logan says as he was going to get her dressed in one of the outfits that they had so far

Logan had her changed in no time and was going to give her a bottle and feed her and tuck her in

"She's small" Kendall says as he was looking at her as Logan was feeding her

"I think she will be okay" Logan says to him  

Part 2 is coming so hold tight 

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