Fantasy dream

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Logan laid her down and he was going to lay with her and he was going to tell her another story and sing her another song as well to see if that helps her sleep as well cause she was not going to go back to sleep for anything right now, and Logan was going to help her sleep that night cause she was going to be fighting sleep as always right now so once she goes to sleep that night he was going to go to sleep as well next to her of course until she is completely asleep and then he will go to the master bedroom where he will sleep with Kendall that night but if she really snuggles against him and he can't even move at all he will just sleep with her cause she will think that he is just a big old teddy bear that she can hug to death and cuddle as well cause he would do anything for her anyways cause she is really scared of the dark and monsters under her bed as well so he was going to double check for monsters before he went to bed as well cause it was not going to be an easy night at all for either of them if she kept hearing weird noises as well from either under her bed, closet or somewhere else as well too as she slept next to papa that night

"Papa is going to be right here next to you the whole time okay and I will do a full check before we go to bed tonight like I will check under the bed, in the closet and I will make sure your window is fully locked so nobody gets in here" he says as he was talking to her as well as he was going to try to get her to lay down to go to sleep cause it was starting to get close to her bedtime and he wanted to get her to settle down a little bit before she goes to bed that night

She cuddled close to him cause she was really scared of the dark and she had to have her water and her light on and papa with her as well as she was going to have good dreams as well as papa was with her too cause she was a papa's girl through and through and Logan was totally okay with that as well cause he had loved her and he wanted to dream about what life would be like if they had adopt her when she was a baby cause life would be so much better

(Logan's dream)

"Logie that was the adoption agency on the phone and they have match us with a mother who is going to going to give up her baby, and she thought we will be the most perfect match for the mother" Kendall says as he came to give Logan the good news that they finally will be adding to the family cause they have been fostering lately and all of the babies and the kids have moved on to their forever families and Kendall and Logan have been left in the dark

"That's great news Kenny I can't wait till we get our little one" Logan says as he was grinning from ear to ear right now cause he was happy that they were finally going to be parents and this little one won't have to go to a different home they will be staying with them completely which made Logan happy that they were going to finally be adding to their family as well cause they have been waiting and hoping that their prayers were going to be answered and that they were going to have their little one after all this time and they would not have to go with plan b to get their little family that they had hoped and dreamed about and now it was finally happening and they will be able to take their little one home from the hospital hopefully right away and they could get settled in as a new family of three or four if they are able to add one more to the mix before this one joins the family as well cause it could be a while and they may or may not be able to get one more family member added to the mix and Logan was hoping that they could add one more before the baby joins the mix in a few months or weeks depending on when the mother was due to have the baby as well and they knew they had to be really patient about this whole thing right now and they couldn't get over excited right now cause of the new baby cause there was a chance that the mother could change her mind last minute and keep the baby or she could pick another couple to adopt her baby too and they will be broken hearted as well cause they were not chosen to adopt that baby in general either

"Logan we have to calm down a little bit we just got the news that we were picked to adopt the baby, so we don't want to give our hopes up at all, so we can prepare for the baby by doing the nursery and getting newborn clothes, the car seat, stroller right now that way if the mother does change her mind and keep the baby or she decides that we aren't perfect parents for the baby" Kendall says as he was trying to remain calm as well cause he was just as excited about the upcoming arrival of their addition to their family cause they knew a baby will complete them full force for the time being as well until they want to add another baby to the mix later on down the road like two years maybe

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