A Trial And Tragedy

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At first, it was a laboratory but over time something happened. They don't remember much none of them were aware of the tragedies that were about to happen right before their eyes. Some people gave their lives others lost it because the entire system shut down angels, demons, and angels of Darkness rambled to protect any remaining monster. The color red shields every room, it gave off the appearance of hell. She managed to get their two kids out in a few others now they need the rest. A woman was cradling the corpse of her dead baby thanks to the system shutdown. Most Angels and Demons were arrested. Jericho gave her a crystal that makes her unnoticed, so she never got arrested. She managed to save many people's lives that way.

A man in a Black Coat put down his drink on the discussion table he looked Furious but he's holding in all this anger. "145 men and women, 76 teens, 30 kids, and 18 newborn babies. All you can say to their family is that they shouldn't have been born in the first place. Is that correct?"

The man on the other side had handcuffs they were in the middle of the courtroom this was a very important courtroom whenever a Black Coats (higher up officer) up big time they get sent here, where they will decide where do you live or die. The job that usually requires five stars black Coats to recite over.

"Yes, you are correct. Are you really surprised? there are too many of them and we can't keep track of them. What happens when they kill somebody will you do then, arrest them? what if they can escape?"

The five-star black hole pulls out a big black book and opened. it then starts reading out a list of crimes that have been committed, especially murders. He names the date, the motives, and everything between.

"Hey stop that! what are you doing?" Yelled Black Coats on trial.

The five-star black Coat responded " you say they're going to murder if you say they're going to kill us we've been doing it to ourselves for years why is this any different they pay taxes they eat the same food we eat they live the same life we do. The only difference is that they have an ability now that they have to manage every single day of their life or else they would hurt somebody that they love or care about. They were subjected to speciesism. Now thanks to people like you and your stupid mistake, they have to go in hiding to be protected." He turns to the highest-ranking Coats, 7 stars black Coats, he was the judge reciting the case.

He then turns to the rest of the council that was in the room.

"The council has reached a verdict. Roman Blake, you are guilty of committing human rights violations, by organizing a genocide towards people, with supernatural abilities. Your punishment, as a result, will be executed by lethal injection. You will first spend three years in solitary confinement before getting executed. You will die as you live alone. You were a point of view that is dangerous and harmful to society. We cannot risk spreading the virus of hate to this country that we fought so hard for." He says as he slams his hammer.

Greenfield gets a phone call from government officials. Was barely getting built, so the project had to be rushed fortunately they got enough of it done to get the rest on it fast. Some Constructors or Builders live in the area, they to have special abilities. Amongst them with a dark angel named Jericho Lions, he heard about the incident and was calling the laboratory Foundation company. He was worried for his wife and twin boys. He didn't hear the door but he sensed it. The floor vibrated in sensation. He felt the movement of three more presences behind him. When he turned around, a sigh of relief came out of him.

His Angelic wife Laika was still upset but okay nonetheless. She was an angel he never know if she was Catholic or Christian because she seemed like a bit of both. Conjoin twins Jekyll and Hyde were okay. They were conjoined by the head mainly just skin and flesh not going, fortunately, that's why they've been trying to get separated. Hyde has a bit of emotional problem and a very big temper. One time his temper got so bad he try to cut himself off his brother, which resulted in the hospital staff restraining him. They were supposed to get surgery today before the incident. He was so happy to see them. He hugged the boys.

Laika was too upset to join them. Jericho understands that so he back off her a bit and lets her mourn the loss of her patients whose care with her responsibilities. He wanted to give her a moment so he took the boys upstairs so they can fun pack the things that they managed to save. Jericho patted her shoulder considered take the time you need.

As soon as they left upstairs she walked outside in the backyard. It was beautiful fall weather leaves were on the ground it wasn't too cold. She's not in the swing that her sons are made, It was a swing bench. It was there she let the air hit her face like a gentle hug. Ask her prayers slips out of her mouth like a song "forgive me, God, forgive me for not saving them all." Then tears roll down her face like a waterfall. She was not alone someone was standing behind her leaning on the tree his name was Leon. he was our friend and co-worker, he is also the angel of death.

In your darkest of times or amid tragedy do you like to tell yourself what you could have done better, the unfortunate reality is you can only do the best thing for that situation. You can't save everyone and if you did manage to save someone else that is the best thing for that situation. Yes, you're going to feel that residual guilt for not being able to save everyone, that is always going to haunt you nonetheless. It's survivor's guilt, it's something we can control, like the situation but take this in your heart.. you survived, and that is the best thing in the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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