Speak Not in Anger

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"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."
― Ambrose Bierce

"What in the hell do you mean you want to bring her in?" Alex screamed across the conference table. "Supergirl has been doing real good in National City!"

"She is an alien, just like Superman!" DEO Director Hank Henshaw yelled back. "We need to know what her intentions are!"

"Her intentions?" Alex's voice bordered on hostile as she growled at the man. "Have you been watching the news? Her intentions are pretty damn clear!"

"Objections noted," Henshaw snapped back, dismissing Alex's words, and calling an end to the meeting.

"And fucking ignored," Alex whispered under her breath as she shoved her way through the crowd, forcing her way to the door and heading towards the closest exit.


"Barbara Gordon," the IT expert chirped as she answered her phone.

"Where the hell is Kara?" Alex rasped out. "I can't get ahold of her."

"She's at the National City Opera, Alex. Helping Ms. Grant set up for tonight's charity event," Barbara answered calmly. "What's going on?"

Alex took a breath, remembering the text from Kara that morning, and stopping herself from saying Supergirl instead of Kara, "sorry, Barb, I totally forgot." She paused, thinking up a quick white lie, "Mom called earlier and couldn't get ahold of her. She panicked and called me. I tried her cell but couldn't get an answer and then I panicked. Sorry, we worry."

Barbara laughed softly, "it's okay Alex. Don't worry though, I am not going to let anything happen to your unbelievably cute little sister."

"Okay-- Batgirl," Alex blinked hard and rubbed her thumb and forefinger along her nose. "Can you never, ever refer to my baby sister as cute, or at least tell her how you feel instead of me."

"You said it yourself, Alex. With my nighttime activities, I can't really have a relationship, not with Kara, not with anyone," Barbara whispered. "My choices would put her in danger."

"Shouldn't she..." Alex started, but Barbara cut her off.

"She should, but I can't take that chance," Barbara responded, sounding hopeless. Then she whispered, so softly that Alex could barely make out her words, "I like her too much for that."

'Kara and I need to talk,' Alex thought to herself. "I'll give you that one, Barbara, but only because I know what it's like to hide a part of yourself from your loved ones," Alex smiled into the phone. "I need you to do me a favor tonight, while you are on patrol, watch out for Supergirl."

Barbara was silent for a few minutes, "why?"

"The DEO wants to--they are going to attack her with Kryptonite," Alex sighed, outrage obvious in her voice. She swallowed once, "I need you to make sure it doesn't happen."

"I've got her back, Alex. I'll keep an eye on her," Barbara promised. "Although I'm beginning to think you might have a slight crush on Supergirl. You watch out for her more than you do me."

Alex's eyes closed tight, and she shook her head at the thought, "I've known Batgirl longer. Supergirl is still learning."

"Now you sound like Bruce," Barbara laughed, then hung up.


'Just like Bruce?' Barbara thought to herself. 'Like-- family?'


Kara checked the last item off her list and watched as Cat Grant walked the floor one more time.

"Kira, dear, I believe that takes care of everything," Cat huffed. "I'm going to head home to change. Would you mind sticking around for the caterers and the first few guests? Your mother is coming still, right?"

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