Chapter 8

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One thing that surprised Quackity, was the pleasant factor of it all. How on earth had not been hit by now, or yelled? From time to time Techno, Dream, and Wilbur have threatened his life but nothing ever came of it. Why hadn't they gotten furious?

They even stopped Quackity from helping around the house at times. There was no lock on the refrigerator and he was able to go and get something when he pleased. It felt adventitious to Quackity, someplace inside of him, told him maybe it shouldn't have but he shoved it down as far as he was able to.

He was disorientated with himself, he knew the way Schlatt had treated him wasn't right, not at all. Right? So why did it feels so familiar? Why did he use the routine so much?


It was the next day after his nightmare about Schlatt ripping his wings out of his back.

Quackity poked at his cereal and the only thing that was swimming through his head was the question why? Why had he been given breakfast every day? Why has he gotten dinner and lunch? He didn't even do anything for it, Why did he deserve it? Sometimes Schlatt would be nice and allow him to have at least one meal for the day. But never this many times in a row.

Why good was never taken, or why he hadn't been told to get out by now. Everything was so confusing. Everything was so confusing.


Dream started eating breakfast with his two lovers and Philza, with the younger raven hair hybrid. 

The four were eating silently when the younger blurted out.

"Why do you four treat me so well?" Quackity then threw his spoon down into his cereal, seemingly frustrated and confused.

"Quackity what do you fucking mean-" Phil started, but he was suddenly cut off by a distressed Quackity, he only wanted answers.

"No, no you don't get it. There's no lock on the fridge. I barely have to do any chores around the house. You let me get fucking breakfast, dinner, and fucking lunch every single fucking day. What's up with you guys? Is this some kind of a sick shitty joke?!" Quackity exclaimed, and all four especially Phil had only stared in disbelief. 

He couldn't be serious, could he? Dream thought to himself.

How did he think this was so normal? Wilbur asked himself.

Schlatt. Oh, fucking hell. All four thought in sync.

"How long have you been married to Schlatt?" Techno asked, it seemed like the question was unrelated.

"Why does that matter," Quackity started, and Techno only stared at him. The younger looked away for a slight second while he spoke.

"Twelve, maybe thirteen years. Why?" Quackity said almost shyly. They all only stared in concern, anger, confusion, and disbelief.

"What?" Philza asked calmly, but the concern in his voice was unmatched.

"Yep," Quackity answered casually and continued poking at his cereal that was now all soggy.

"You do realize, that, uh, none of that stuff was supposed to happen in any form" Dream stated awkwardly, and it seemed to break the raven hair. No tears fell from his face, no sounds came out from his mouth, but you could see how distraught he was.

"I do, I do! But it's just, it feels weird when it's not. I'm just waiting on you guys to snap. It takes people a while to snap and, you know, um, I'm expecting for it to happen" Quackity had his head in his hands, he felt like he was a stupid child. This was so pathetic, his concerns were dumb. They'd never happen. Right?




"It's never going to," Wilbur tried to reassure him by holding his hands away from his face. He knew it worked with Tommy, he hoped it worked with him.

"How do I know you guys aren't lying to me?" Quackity asked, staring into Wilbur's eyes. He didn't believe he wouldn't hurt him in those ways. He didn't believe many people wouldn't hurt him. Or, for the better half at least save him.

"Why would we lie to you?" Wilbur asked, and he still didn't let go of his hands. He was trying to be calming. He honestly almost forgot how too.

" I have a whole ass fucking list-" Quackity started, and Wilbur only shushed him.

"Quackity, We would never going to hurt you like that. Okay?" Dream reassured, and Quackity only had silent tears rolling down his face.

"I want to trust all of you guys," Quackity started.

"It's fine if you can't Wilbur interjected before he could go any further.

"It's not-it's really not Wilbur, I want to believe you guys." Quackity tried to snatch his hands away from Wilbur's grasp but ended up putting them back. He liked how he felt safe in his hands, even if this was the only way he could feel safe around him and the others.

"I just can't."

"we'll give it time," Technoblade said softly, or what he at least thought was soft.

"I don't know how long it'll take me," Quackity admitted, and Wilbur only smiled.

"Well then, we'll just have to wait and see. hm?"

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