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Sounds of light footsteps echoed down the corridor as Elin went straight to the King’s office as soon as the deal was done. She lightly knocked on the door and entered when she was  allowed to proceed.

“Pops?”, Elin poked her head out to see if it was a good time to consult with the King. However, what the princess saw was not just the King but the whole family was present inside the office. It is as if they knew that they needed a family gathering.

“Why is everyone here?”, Elin sat down beside her mother.

“You’re going to leave soon, right? I think this calls for a meeting”,

Elin was dumbfounded by her brother’s statement. She was going to reveal her plan to her father first before telling the whole family but they seem to know already.

“Oh! Don’t be shocked, Eli. Knowing your personality, you won’t back down unless your plan succeeds. Seeing you here means that the negotiations with the crown prince was successful”, Ailana was proud of her little sister.

“Ehhh? Are you sure about that? What if I told you I wasn’t successful and that I came here to ask Pops for a second opinion?”, Elin smirked as she looked sideways at her sister.

“Well, we know for sure that you were definitely successful. As expected of our sister!”, Fynn was singing praises of her.

Suuuuspicious”, she squinted her eyes trying to discern everything.

“Ahhhhh!!!! It was youuuuu!!! Did you just eavesdrop on us again?. I told you to leave”, Elin just realized when she saw Nero infront of her. She was more embarassed of her conversation with Edric. It was full of drama.

'However, knowing Nero, he might already know everything about what was happening around me', she thought to herself.

“It is my sole responsibility to make sure you are safe”, Nero didn’t even deny as he poured some tea.

“Ohh wow. What an indirect way of saying yes!”, her eyebrows creased.

“Oh! Forgive Nero, Eli. We were just excited of your plan”, Ailana patted Elin’s head.

“Huhhh? It seems that everyone’s excited more than me. A family that actually supports revenge. Neat!”

“More like we were already dying for it to actually happen. But since you will do it, we fully support your endeavors. I was supposed to go there and wipe everyone else but I guess your dream comes first”, Fynn remarked.

"Can you even actually do that? I bet you can't", Ailana tittered.

"Yes, I can. That's how strong I am", both of them started bickering.

“As everyone suspected, the deal was successful. I’m going to exact my revenge by personally going there as the princess of Caris and fiancee of the Crown Prince”

“You, What?!”, Fynn was flabbergasted by her statement.

“Okay, I take back what I said”, Ailana was beginning to worry.

“Did I say something wrong? I thought you will all support me as I walk down towards the flowery path of evil?”, Elin was sulking.

“BUT why do you need to be HIS fiancee? Just go there and squash them. That solves everything”, Fynn tried to reason out.

“Now, now, Fynn. Our baby sister is trying to do it in a civil way”, Lucian tried to calm him down.

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