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(a/n): Cyberpunk AU (Kylo x reader). The world vibes: Blade Runner, Altered Carbon, Westworld season 3.

Also, this is pwp. There are established safe words.

CW: Explicit sexual content (public-ish sex, BDSM elements), violence, brief descriptions of death, alcohol consumption, mention of drugs

Word count: ~11k

Heavy rain patters onto the street. Kylo's footsteps disturb the reflections of purple light in the puddles forming along the pavement. His dark, wet hair grazes the back of his neck and he shakes his head for the third time, unaccustomed to feeling the elements so distinctly on his skin. Kylo hasn't gone in public without his helmet in quite some time. Since he saw you last, in fact. No one recognizes him without it and he needs to go unseen tonight.

The violet light gets brighter as he approaches the end of the alleyway. Music is pounding from inside the building, bleeding out from the door that is cracked open.

Kylo pushes it aside, metal scraping against the ground as he steps inside the back entrance. Smoke curls around his boots, pulling him into the club.

It took him longer to get a location on you this time, using favors he had no intention of cashing in to find you quicker. What he didn't expect was for you to be in the depths of the city. Among the scum and the droids.

His cloak billows as he walks swiftly to the bar, a droid behind the counter serving drinks quicker than any human could. Its four metal arms are pouring liquor, shaking cocktails, and crushing up the powdered flavorings that most people use in their drinks nowadays. He thumps down onto a stool and orders a bourbon, neat.

Kylo glares at the mechanical bartender when it places the small glass in front of him. When he takes off a glove and grabs it, the droid leaves his sight with a cheery, "Fingerprint; Identified. Tab; Opened. Have a good evening, sir." His fake identity proves to be very useful on these secret excursions, even if it is a pain to maintain without a photo ID.

Subtly glancing around the club, he struggles to differentiate between people and droids, all dancing and writhing together to the beat. Laser beams are sweeping across the crowd, jagged in their movements. His hand tightens on the glass, thinking of you associating with this cesspool of a club. His eyes go to the second floor, where a loft is overlooking the dance floor. Quieter and better lit.

That's where he sees you. A bit to his right and facing away. You're sitting opposite a man who appears to be a cyborg. Half of his head is covered in a metal casing with lights blinking on the flat surface that should be his ear is. Forearms resting on your thighs, it looks like you're locked in a heated argument with the man, cards dangling from your fingers as you shake your head and point to his jacket.

The man stands and Kylo narrows his eyes. You maintain the same position and slowly tilt your head to look up at the cyborg who's now waving his arms around in anger.

Kylo spots you slowly winding your left hand around your back. The man is too busy being upset to notice the pistol being aimed at his chest. When you fire, it stuns him. He stumbles back a few feet, clutching at his chest, feeling the blue electricity rip through his body. The shot doesn't disrupt anyone around them. People often settle arguments with violence in the underbelly of the city with no care of the consequences. Mind your own business and people will stick to theirs.

When you stand up, Kylo can't help the lust that invades his mind. The skintight black suit shows off your figure perfectly. You're raising the gun again, a finger changing the setting. No doubt raising the electricity to a deadly amount. It triples the amount of desire that Kylo feels, watching you threaten a man practically twice your size.

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