Chapter Thirteen

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       a/n some boyXboy contact here, dont like it dont read it. all I have to say. 

         "Fuck...Damn it...Shit...Ugh!" Once again, sitting on that cold bench. I didn't want to bother Jordan and his family again, so I sat out in the cold. Rubbing at the goosebumps that stared forming on my arms. "Wow. Can just stop getting in trouble, can you?" I looked up at the bright eyes of Patrick again. I laughed a bit more harshly then I meant to. "Can I take a seat?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and scotched over, making room as he sat down. "So what happened?" He asked, pulling out a cigarette box and lighter. "What the hell, how do you always know i'm here? Can you read minds or some shit?" He rolled his eyes. "How did Jordan fall for a guy who speaks such a language?" He was teasing me. This ass...I thought to myself. "He fell for my beautiful looks." I flipped my hair like some fourteen year old girl. He huffed a stupid little laugh after he took a large buff of his cigarette. "Not gonna share?" I asked, motioning to the cancer-stick hanging off his lower lip. He looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "Oh come on, don't so surprised." He shrugged and handed me my very own stick. "Light?" He rolled his eyes, but lit it up anyway. "Thanks. So uh...Yeah. I got in trouble, I guess. Well...It wasn't my fault." "Haha. That's what they all say." "Oh screw off, It wasn't! You try having a drunk dad beat you and tell you you're worthless. Then leave home and say it wasn't-" I stopped talking at stared wide eyed at my feet. Shit...Fuck Ryan you said way to much you idiot..

        "Your you?" He asked slowly. I looked up and saw the worry on his face. "You didn't really try to do flips on the stairs... did you?" I offered a small smile. "Well...once I was already falling I flipped.." "Oh my god Ryan! Your dad beats you and you keep it secret!?" He was standing now. "We have to call the cops! That's illegal!" He flipped out his phone. I was standing now. "Patrick, no! Stop! It's..Not like that. You have it wrong. Please stop!" He looked at me confused. "You just said he hurts you..He could hurt anyone!" "No! No, he's not like that! Just fucking stop, Patrick!" "What do you mean 'he's not like that'?" I slowed my heavy breathing. "I mean...He doesn't hurt just anyone...Not Coby, or mom...Just me..." "How the hell does that make it any better?" "Because it's okay as long as it's just me!" "No, Ryan! He shouldn't hurt anyone!" I sighed. "Call the cops and...and I'll make you regret it." "Oh? How?" I put on the most realistic evil grin I could muster. "I'll hurt that little brother of yours." Just saying it pulled at strings in my heart that hurt so much I flinched. And Patrick saw. He laughed lightly. "As if. You like him to much to hurt him. Physically or mentally. And you know it!" I rolled my eyes. Shit. 

        "Please.." I whispered. "My mom...they need him...okay? I don't want to be the one who takes him from them...Okay?" He looked like he just finally got it.

        "Oh I see. You don't want to hurt your mother or brother? That's it?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I thought I said that already?" He took a long moment to hesitate and think it through. Then signed.

        "Alright. I wont call...for now. But if he hurts you again, I want you to call. Or call me at least, and I'll do it. Then you wont be responsible. Okay?" "Okay.." Nope. I'd never do that to them. 

        "So you gonna go to your place or mine?" He asked, stomping out the cigarette bud into the cold cement. "Um...Yours?" I hesitated and he looked at me. "Then come on." I walked up to him and he grabbed my shoulder as I tried to pull past. "But don't do anything..gross ... to Jordan." I snickered. "Yeah okay, what do you expect? Me to jump in his pants after just asking him out?" He shrugged. "I don't know. You look like the kind of person who would." Ow. That hurt. "Ass hole.." I whispered. He laughed. "And who knows, maybe he wants in your pants." I suddenly felt scared, a shiver running down my spine. He shoved me along. "Come on! It's freezing out here. Lets go." I shook my head, dropping any perverted thoughts in my mind. "Yeah...Lets go."

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