Chapter TwentyFive

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        I bounced up and down in the hospital room. That's right, it wasn't mine anymore! I passed my last tests with flying colors. Well, not really, but the scores where well enough for me to go home today. My mom would be here in less then twently minutes. I was going to sleep in my own bed, in my own clothes, and in my own home, best of all! Nurse June walked in and called for me to stop leaping around before I have to take the stupid lung test again.

        "Oh come on June. You would never do that to me. I'm to cute!" She rolled her eyes. "What ever. Finished yet? Your mothers here." "Really!?" "Yes. Out in the lobby. Lets go." I picked my phone up and followed her to the lobby. But my mom wasn't there.

        Instead, all the nurses on duty for me, Dr. Kinight, his two assistents and the maid who cleaned my little room stood in the lobby. Balloons dulled from overly dusty closets strung up on string thiner then my hair dotted around the room. A small table with cupcakes spotted on top sat in the center of everyone. 

        "Happy Birthday Ryan!" June said, patting my back gently. I looked up at her. "You guys new?" I asked, my jaw popping out and hitting the ground with an imaginary 'thump'. Dr. Kinight let out a light laugh. "Of course. We know all of our patients birthdays. Its kind of part of the job." I nodded. "I kew that. Of course, yeah I knew that." 

        The Nurses talked amongst them selves for a bit while I munched on a cupcake. It was sweet and all, but I didn't really get to know any of these people well. Besides June and Dr. Knight. But...A part of me kinda..snapped. I walked up to everyone in the lobby and shook there hands greatfuly. "Thank you." I told each and everyone. I finally landed on Dr. Knight. 

        "Sir." I said firmly. Grasping his hand and shaking it. "If it wasn't for you, I would be road kill. And...My greatest respect goes out to you. I guess...Guess you could say you are my Hero." A tear streamed down my face as I watched my words effect him. He smiled wide. "It was an honorr to treat you." 

        My mom walked in a minute later. Her eyes popped out a bit as she saw the hole scene. "What is all this?" She asked, walking up to me where I sat in my chair. "A little party I guess, These are all the poeple who helped me." "That's so sweet." She walked around, and thanked all the workers just as I had, just, she cried a bit more. She accepted a cupcake and she helped me out to her car.


        The ride was pretty much silent. I was worn out from all the action and the music playing on the radio put me in such a good mood, it almost hurt. 

        "" I looked over at her. A few dark bags under her eyes said she's been staying up late a lot. "Yes?" "What...What are we going to do about dad..? I mean...With out his income? How will we pay all the bills?" She had a small smile on that I new was beong forced to stay there. She reached over and pat my hand gently. "Don't worry about that Ryan. It's your birthday! This is all about you." 

        She pulled into our driveway. Which seemed so empty now with only one car. "Here, Ryan." "Hm?" I turned to her as she held a box out to me. " it?" I asked, slowly taking it from her. "Open silly and find out." I smiled at her as I undid the blue laced ribbon tied into a bow. It fluttered to the ground and I slid the top of the old box off. 

        Inside sat a beautiful pair of sunglasses that shimmered in the suns light. "There so...epic." I wispered. "You like them?" My mom asked, hopeful. I looked up at her, my smile stretching so far it almost hurt. "yes, yes mojm I love them!" I stretched over the seat and wrapped my arms around her. "Mom. It will all be okay." I whispered before sitting back in my seat. "I love you mom." I said, and planted a kiss on her cheek. 

        "I love you too. Now! Let's head inside." She winked at me. Winked at me?

        I wobbled up to my front door and pushed it open. It seemed surprisingly heavy. But behind the door, there was another surprise.

        Ricky, Lukas, Mitch, Hannah and Franky all stood in the door way of my home. "happy Birthday!" They all yelled as one. "Hey guys!" I cried back, my smile seriously hurting me now. I looked around but didn't see Coby or Jordan anywhere. 

        As every one came up to me to hug me and pat me on the back playfuly, I looked around me. Still no Coby or Jordan. Not in the kitchen, as we past it to go to the living room I checked. Once in the living room, we all flopped down, still with out Coby or Jordan.

        Where the hell where they? The two people I couldn't care for any more where not here at this great moment. I finaly got to pariniod to stop myself from asking. "Hey, wheres Jordan and Coby?" Ricky stopped his conversation with Mitch and Hannah and looked up at me. "Hu? Oh, up stairs to Cobys room."


        "Okay, I'll be right back." I stood off the couch and slowly started my way for the stairs. "Would you like any help?" Lukas asked, looking up at me. I shook my head, my tangled curls bouncing along. "I'll be fine." "Um..Alright." I felt his eyes still on me as I made my way to the stairs. 

        I started my climb up one at a time. Left right. Left right. I bet I looked like some....eighty year old woman. 

        Finally I made my way up to Coby's room and swung the door open. I was expecting to see Jordan on top of Coby kissing. But instead, the sat on the ground with a box infront of them.

        "You see? Place tape here and- Ryan!" Jordan leaped up, side-stepping infront of the box and Coby. "Sorry..Did I intorupt something?" I asked looking around. "Hu? Oh, no. It's nothing." Jordan smiled at me. "Happy birthday." He wrapped his arms around my neck. I slowly wrapped mine around his waist. I pressed my nose into his hair and breathed in a sigh of relief. 

        I can't believe I seriously thougth my boyfriend would cheat on me with my brother,

        These meds where making me insane.

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