Part 6: Day Drinking

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Words: 2089
Warnings: mention of drinking and alcohol! (Always drink responsibly!)
A/N: hey y'all, I'm alive! I suck at updating, but just know I never forget about my readers, I love you guys ❤

"You know the guy?" Bucky questioned through a mouthful of a bacon sandwich. He swallowed and set the egg soaked thing down on the plate. It landed on the plate with a thud and he scowled. "What's he like? I'm assuming he's better than Vincent, but not a saint?" 

(Y/N) nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's never sexually harassed anyone outside or inside of work. He does obviously have connections to shady people and I do know there has been some light organized crime, but besides that he's a really fun guy." 

Steve had several heart attacks during that explanation. This guy still seemed dangerous and did not seem like 'a really fun guy' but he trusted (Y/N)'s judgement even if it was questionable. He tried to remind himself that he fought so hard for Bucky but that was out of love and responsibility. 
"So, you're positive about this guy?"

(Y/N) shrugged. "Yeah- I mean, look, just because I know the guy and think he's alright doesn't mean he's involved in my life, okay?" She noticed the tension in Steve, and noticed how it became relaxed as she explained. (Y/N) smiled to herself. Bucky took another bite of his sandwich. He silently urged her to continue what she had to say. "I'm pretty good at reading people and I'm good at following my intuition. Barri isn't the worst. He looks out for people he likes, and he seems to like me." 
(Y/N) held out her hand and Bucky handed off his sandwich. She took a bite and opted for swallowing the bite of egg and bacon sandwich instead of talking with her mouth full like her other soulmate. "I also bought weed off of him once or twice," she mentioned quickly. Steve raised his eyebrow and sent her a knowing look. A small, bashful smile crept onto her face and (Y/N) averted her gaze to Bucky's plate. "Right, fine, maybe more than once or twice- but I go to dispensaries now thanks to Tony's generous pay," (Y/N) glanced at the clock in the kitchen. She stood up and went over to the sink to wash her hands. "Speaking of which, he wants me down in the lab soon. He told me to be there in like, an hour but probably wanted me there forty minutes ago." 


On her way to the lab, (Y/N) ran into Sam Wilson and immediately her morning got ten times better.

"Sam!" She greeted excitedly as they pulled each other in for a hug. "How are you? Are you on your way to training?" 

"(Y/N), always good to see you! Yeah, I'm heading down to test out some new adjustments I made to the wings." He smiled and tilted his head. His eyes softened and nodded his head a bit. "You feeling okay about this? You're in good hands here, but of course you know that. If you need anyone to talk to besides your soulmates or kind of boss but really just a rich guy giving you an allowance, I'm here for you." 

She didn't expect so many emotional feelings and wise conversations this early in the morning, but she welcomed it anyway. "You're too good at this. Thank you for being understanding, but also please never describe Tony like that again. It's true but it sounds like he's my sugar daddy," (Y/N) glanced at her watch. "Speaking of my sugar boss, I have to get to his lair quickly. I'll see you later?" 

"Yes, have fun working with your sugar boss, I'll see you around, kid. Watch out in the sky for me later, I'm testing out some new wings!" 

"Hey, maybe I'll surprise you and throw myself off the roof for you to catch me?" 

"Oh, I'll just let you fall!" He called out as he walked down the hallway. 

"Thanks, you're the best!" He chuckled and (Y/N) watched him walk around the corner. She smiled to herself as she made her way to the lab. Being at the compound wasn't so bad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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