Chapter 3: A beacon of Hope for a New start

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"Bruh" - talking
'bruh' - thinking
Bruh - soul talking
(Bruh) - A/N or Timeskip

3rd POV

(Four days after the previous chapter)

It's just a normal day at the bar, people are drinking, Y/N is doing a pun routine up front, and on days like these, ki- wait... Y/N is doing what? Oh, he's just being him, anyways, all is fine and dandy until a certain someone walks through the door earning a few stares from the people around and silent whispers in the background.

*Hey Y/N. Chara says to the comedian.

'yeah?' he answers in his head.

*Everyone is staring at that white haired weirdo with the green suit. She tells him.

'odd...' he thinks to himself.

(After Y/N's amazing performance)

After Y/N's performance that definitely hit people in the funny bone he walks down towards the bar and gets his usual, the white haired man from earlier was sitting right beside and was drinking what a normal person would think is coffee, but since you're not a normal person you obviously knew it was hot chocolate.

"You're Y/N, correct?" ??? Asks.

"Correct you are, now who are you?"

"My name is Professor Ozpin."

There was something about the way he talked, it was calm but there was a strangeness behind it, it was so mysterious. Just the way he worded things made it so you couldn't predict what he would say or do next.

*I'm getting strange vibes from the old dude. Justice said saying what everyone else was thinking.

'l know, I'll try to be careful around him.' Y/N stated.

"Would you mind coming outside with me for a chat?" Ozpin politely requested.

"Sure, I don't mind."

*If he attacks, stand your ground comedian. Chara told him.

'I will' Y/N replied.

The two then walked outside towards the side of the building. While Y/N was expecting another wrangler who wants to fight, he got something way different than he originally expected.

"Do you know who I am Mr. Y/N?" He asked.

'What? Does he not remember that he told me his name earlier?' Y/N confusedly thinks to himself.

*Wait a minute... Remember that one book we read at the library? He's the principal of beacon academy! Perseverance tells them.

'Wait, you're right! He perfectly matches the description in the book!'

"You're the Principal of Beacon, right?" Y/N asks unassumingly.

"Yes, I am. Now, as to why I'm here it's concerning you."

'huh??? What does he want from me?' You confusedly ask yourself.

"Now, Y/N, I assume you know what magic is, correct?"

*Lie to him, magic was said to die out hundreds of years ago in this world. Now it's only known as a myth. Chara whispers to you even though no one can hear her but you and the other souls.

"Heard of it, but no, I don't know what magic is, Mr. Ozpin." You say following Chara's advice.

"Huh, that's strange, nevermind then, how would you like to join beacon?" He says to you.

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