Chapter 5: Jauney Boi

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(Hello readers! You probably think this TheKingofToast writing this right now, but! T'was I! TheKingofCoffee!)

"Bruh" - talking
'bruh' - thinking
Bruh - soul talking
(Bruh) - Timeskip or A/N


(Two days after the previous chapter)

You slowly pry your eyes open to see the roof of team RWBY's dorm. This is how it had been for the last two days. You sit up in your hammock and stare at the four members of team RWBY sleeping peacefully, upon seeing this you open your scroll to check the time, it's 4 am, way earlier than you would wake up according to others but ever since you arrived in this strange dimension you always woke up early so this was starting to get normal for you. You were just thinking of random things to do to pass the time until you remembered a strange dream you had which totally wasn't the video up top.

*You have strange dreams dude. Chara said while appearing as a ghost, floating right beside you. Yesterday she and the others have found out how to appear as ghosts that only I could see or interact with, which would prove useful at a later date for battles.

'i know.' you replied.

'anyways, are the others awake?' you asked your ex-enemy.

*Yeah. She just blankly told you.

'alright, I'll be there in a sec.' after telling her that she dispersed into thin air. You looked at the time again and then went into the mind your soul, upon entering you see an endless white void and the other souls doing their own thing. Justice and bravery were both playing on an old console. Recently they also found out how to manifest items into this mindscape. Perseverance was reading a book to the youngest of the souls, Patience. Integrity was doing a little ballet while Kindness watched and complimented her.

"Seems like everyone is having a good time." You say, catching the attention of all the others.

*Hey, Y/N! Come play with us! The yellow souled Justice called to me, of course I wouldn't pass this down. This time I'd definitely beat him for sure.

(Spoiler: he didn't)

After a humiliating loss, you and the others had fun and talked for a few hours, eventually you had to wake up due to classes starting soon.

Upon your awakening you immediately spot Ruby with a whistle in her mouth about to blow on it as hard as she could, you close your ears and two seconds later you see everyone else awake, Weiss obviously complaining about this happening ever since the first day of school, you of course weren't bothered by this because Papyrus would be much louder when you never awoke on Mondays.

You later got off your hammock got into the beacon uniform, which you didn't like very much, it was very uncomfortable compared to your hoodie and shorts. Now, ignoring that, technically today was your first day of Beacon because you joined during the weekend so albeit you were kind of nervous.

You and RWBY walked down the halls of Beacon to your first class of the day, coincidentally you and team RWBY have all the same classes for today. You entered Glynda's combat class to see team JNPR, you were introduced to them during the weekend and you got along with them particularly well.

Few minutes later Glynda makes the class quiet down. She started about combat, aura, ETC, after a few lessons she starts the combat segment of the class where students fight each other, after a few fights Jaune and Cardin get called to the spotlight.

Their fight was pretty one-sided and it seemed Jaune was pretty inexperienced, according to Perseverance's observation at least, you weren't paying attention. You were quickly snapped out of your daydreaming when the buzzer sounded alerting the end of the match.

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