Christmas Special!

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"Bruh" - talking
Bruh - soul talking
'bruh' - thinking
(Bruh) - A/N or Timeskip.

(Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! What did you get for Christmas this year? I would love to hear what my Wonderful Readers got this Holiday! Now, Onto the Special!)

3rd person

As you awoke from your slumber you look out the window to see multiple snowflakes falling from the sky. You walk over towards the window and see an endless vast of snow on the ground and in the air, it reminded you of the countless days you had lived in Snowdin with Papyrus. You were broken out of your trance when heard the sound of a speeding bullet and immediately braced for impact as Ruby burst into your room, almost tackling you in the process as she was excitingly hopping around and speeding everywhere as she kept exclaiming that it's Christmas.

Soon team JNPR entered the room with team RWBY not to far behind.

"Ruby! Calm down!" Weiss immediately yelled at her leader upon entering your dorm.

"She's always like this on Christmas, and there's no stopping her either, so let her be until she gets tired." Yang told the Schnee.

You couldn't help but slightly snicker at their shenanigans as Ruby was still as hyper as a puppy on crack. Ruby eventually calmed down and started to talk about how she wondered what kind of gifts everyone got and how this was going to be the best Christmas ever.

"Heh, you sure are excited kiddo, although, I thought we were going to have Christmas in you team's dorm room so why are all of you guys here?" You asked the little red riding Reaper.

"Ruby changed her mind and wanted to have it here because we've barely ever been in your dorm room." Weiss said before Ruby could.

Sounds like her. Chara said to no one in particular.

After a bit of chatting the rest of you started to setup for a nice Christmas day, team JNPR made food, RWBY did the decorations, and you...well you just did nothing, as usual.

After everything was nice and setup you all had food, chatting and such, it was nice.

After a while everyone was full (except Nora) as all the food was now gone. Both teams sat on the floor of your dorm room right by the Christmas tree as you were sitting on your bed and then everyone started exchanging gifts, you smiled as you watched everyone thanking and welcoming each other, then, you looked out the window and into the sky as you watched the clouds drop what seemed like a limitless amount of snowflakes.

'maybe this world won't be so bad after all.' you thought to yourself.

"Y/N!" Someone said, but you didn't hear them as you were to busy in your own world.

"Y/N!!" Again.

"Y/N!!!" You were finally broken out of your trance as you looked to see everyone looking at you.

"Are you...okay?" Blake asked as everyone looked at you slightly concerned.

"Oh! I'm fine kiddo, just something on my mind is all." You answered.

" about we open your present now Y/N?" Yang said to everyone in the room.

"My...present? You guys got me a gift?" You said confused.

"Of course we did, we are friends after all, aren't we?" Ruby said.

You simply put on your signature smile and nodded your head as Ruby holds a nice red and green box towards you. You grab the present and thank her, then, you pull off the ribbon that is keeping the box closed and take off the top only to see a bright red scarf, immediately losing your smile and just staring at it, upon seeing you lose your smile and just staring at the scarf the rest start to get a bit worried that you're dissatisfied with your gift.

"We didn't know what to get you, as when we were trying to get  gift, we realized that your quite secretive about a lot of things." Blake said after a few seconds of you staring at the red scarf.

You, after hearing this, said nothing but you simply smiled and put it around your neck and looked at both teams RWBY and JNPR.

"Thanks, it's perfect." You simply answered, making them all breath a sigh of relief.

"Heh, now I feel guilty about not getting anyone else a gift." You stated.

"Oh it's fine, Christmas is about spending quality time with friends and family anyways, right guys?" Ruby told before looking towards everyone else.

They all agreed (except Nora, who was still sad about not getting a present).

The rest of their Christmas went on with memories that will last a lifetime and telling stories to each other as they all had an amazing day and soon, a happy new year.

(Merry Christmas!!!!!! I'm am so so so sorry that I haven't uploaded, no excuses this time, was just straight up procrastinating -_- I hope you can forgive me)

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