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Alicia POV

I woke up with strong hands wrapped over my shirt ass when someone came barging into with room which got me scared and made me bury my head into Aces chest "BOSS! THERES FREAKING LASTA AND THE TWINS ATE IT AND THERE WAS THIS GIRLS NAME ON IT" someone said pasta? I got up and ran downstairs tot he kitchen and checked the fridge to find not only did someone left the bowl in there but it was empty I turned around to see two ppl who are identical twerking I sighed and ran my hand through my hair "it's whatever" I said and walked away up the stairs I tot he room again to not see Ace in the bed but, heard something in the closet probably it's him i plopped down on the bed n I really wanna eat can't be eaten by me anymore I mentally thought of them being killed by me apologize and to top it off IM ON MY PERIOD "what happened" Ace asked coming out the closet "they ate my foodddd" I said and plopped back down with the pillow in my face "TWINS GET YOUR ASSES UP HERE SO I DINT SHOOT A FUCKING BULLET IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SKULLS" he screamed I heard footsteps running fast up here "yes boss?" One of them asked "which one of you ate the food?" He asked they both pointed at each other "Now what do you say" Ace asked "Sorry" they both said in unison I nodded and went into the bathroom not forgetting to get a pad from the box I heard one of them say ohhhh I took my home with me knowing I'm going to be on that toilet for like 15 mins lmao
15 mins later
I heard a knock at the door "uh um how are you feeling?" He asked I know this can be weird for boys so I think nothing of it "I'm fine stomachs just hurting but, I'm boutta get out" I replied "Alr I made you some pasta again it's by the bed I have to go get some work done bye" he said "bye and ty" I said back now that right there is a man I did my business and stuff like that, washed my hands, and got out to see my pasta, after I ate it I was full but my stomach was still hurting so I curled up in a ball and took a nap
1 hour later
I woke up to noises and movement around the house so I get up and out the room I go to see some people which I'm guessing is his men because their all sitting there some of them standing minding they business I look around to see if I can spot him and I did when I did I carefully walked down that stairs not making any noises for them to see me I was wearing some lie pro biker shirts and an oversized tee when I reached Ace I went behind him and hid my head in his back "Ace whose this chick" someone said "first off I ain't no CHICK imagrint" I said and Ace not being surprised by my outburst he pulled me with him to a corner "did you eat?" He asked me "yeah" I replied "ok let's go out in some longer pants on you because there are some men here okay?" He said in the nicest way possible I nodded and followed him to go and changed now this time I changed into my Nike pro legging and put on my blue jordan 23s yes your girl go shoe game and what bout it? We went back downstairs me not wanting to draw attention to me I hid behind Ace and he walked up to a group of men and started talking "who's this?" One of them asked "this Alicia and she will be staying here for as long as she wants" he answered with no emotion they nodded and continued their convo it or board so I went into the kitchen and made something small for me to eat and started thinking. should I go back to cheer because I wanna be active again. Yes, I cheered I just got back surgery and I had to go out so yeah. I was making some shredded chicken with some shrimp and some sauce it's easy and simple not a big thing it was only a little for me, Ace, and the twins because I know their gonna want some so I walked out of the kitchen with a small plate of food in my hand I saw the twins sitting on the couch with some people falling and lemme fell you how they look so miserable I whispered into one of the twins ear which I learned his name was Jaden and the other one Jason and I told Jaden that I mad food and he got up and went into the kitchen and then I told Jason Ace called me over and asked me what I told them and I said I made food then some people stared at me "see if y'all want some food y'all could've said that and I would've made it" one of them sighed "y'all want some?" And I heard loads of yes please so I gave Ace the rest of my food and went to go make some more with a little help of the maids
After, dinner and everything everybody went home and me and Ace are in bed sleeping .


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