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Alicia POV

I heard a beeping sound just going on and on me being me trying to open my eyes immediately blinded by the sight of a white flash I soon adjusted my eyes to the light and fully open it to see I was in a hospital gown, in a hospital bed, needles in my skin, and a sleeping Ace on the chair I cleared my throat to wake him up it didn't work so i pushed his leg he should be lucky I didn't throw something at him. He jolted awake looking around the room until his eyes landed on mines we looked at each other for a moment until "I thought I was gonna lose you" he said "You cant get rid of me that easily" I replied back and we hugged for the minute or so he said I was out for 5 days see some girls will freak out by that but, my worries were washed away by it. "come in" I said letting the person know their allowed in "Hello Mrs. and Mr. Russo I am glad your awake" Mrs.? This man didn't not just call me Mrs. but, Ace gave me his last name When the doctor left and told me I can leave whenever I want I turned to Ace and said "You have some serious explaining to do" I looked at him "Not my fault they wouldn't let me in unless I'm blood or your husband" he said with his hands up in defense I laughed

At Home

I got home after the hospital with a lot of greetings and welcome backs honestly I was scared to enter that room ever again after what happened so I would find a excuse to not go in there I've seen Alana and we became the best of friends we call our selves Alexa and Katie 2.0 you know the show? where Alexa has cancer and gets cured and has the support of her bsf Katie yeah I cried at the end of the show when they had to leave each other for college now that right there in 4lifers. Me and Alana are hanging out in the living room watching The winx club saga on Netflix Bloom just pisses me off at this point and the next minute the twins come in barging me with questions such as can u make us food? I've been hopeless without you guys food. one thing I've learnt about Alana is that she loves to cook too her mom taught her before she died of breast cancer but, my mom died of lung cancer when I was the age of 3 so my grandma took the role of being a mother figure. I never felt anything of it I kept tons of memories of her like I have her picture with my grandma on the back of my phone case Ace hasn't mentioned it so I'm happy about that and also don't ask about my dad he wasn't a so great person in the end you know? Anyways back to this After the twins asked me to make them food I went downstairs with Alana which I met on the second floor when I went down for your info I was in the third floor guest room cause I am not finna go into that room

"These twins piss me off" Alana stated "Im sayinggg bro like leave me tf alone but, anyways it keeps me busy so I think nothing of it" I replied back we laughed it off and we went back to doing getting ingredients for the food were making basically dinner which I'm prob not gonna eat "What is it with you and Ace lately?" she asked "He became distant you know with me probably because of work I don't know why he barely talks to me I say good morning and I only get a morning back just simple word so I don't know anymore" I said back "Don't let it get to your head and try talking to him bout it" She said "I will try anyways what about you and Ryder?" (Ryder and Alana have a crush on each other but, doesn't want to admit it) "Nothing we may have or may have not started talking" she said and whispered the last part "YOU WHAT?!?!?" I was so excited for them I had to yell then we smelt something burning...In the garage? OMFG ACES BIRTHDAY PRESENT "omfg Aces present!!" I raced out to the garage to see Aces presents I got him and new car ruined I saved up so much for that . I heard the garage door open and close behind me (It's Alana so don't get riled up ) , me not caring but, worrying because his birthday is tmrw "I messed up bad" I said pacing around "Hey its fine it's gonna be okay" she said trying to sooth me which is not working "NO it's not okay I messed up BAD" I said shouting in the process I heard the door open and close again to see that it's Ace and Ryder "The fuck happened" Ace said trying not to yell "It wasn't us I swear" Alana said with her hands up in defense "well nah shit" Ryder said. Ryder came up to us and started looking at the burnt stuff "Happy..birthday Ace" he said reading one of the presents out loud sounding out the words "What?" Ace asked "Nothing" I said quick he pushed me out the way and started going through the presents and scanning through them he then focused on his "birthday surprise car" which is now burnt up now "This was for me?" he asked Ryder and Alana walked back inside "I mean it WAS until I fucked it up now I don't know how I'm gonna make it up your birthday is tmrw, I don't have enough money, and how the hell am I supposed to replace a fucking Rolls Royce" I said in one breathe panicking with my fingers running through my hair like my life depended on it I felt arms wrap around me and I get hit with the smell of Aces perfume. "It's alright it all looked perfect and I bet it did thank you for all this no one has ever done this for me"
I heard a sniff and looked down to see him crying? Ace THE ACE is crying? I held onto him whispering sweet things in his ear


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