Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Emma’s POV: Watching Niall play the guitar and his voice is amazing, the song is beautiful. With the moonlight shinning on him, he looks gorgeous.

“Niall that song is amazing!”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“Nothing?! Niall you obviously don’t know what talent you have.”

“You think it’s that good..? 

“Niall it’s amazing!!”

“Maybe I should have done this a long time ago..”

“Hell yeah you should’ve!” He sat up there for a couple of  hours and saw the sun rising so we headed outside and sad on the hill and watched the sun come up.

“It’s beautiful out.”

“Just like you.” My face turn red and I start to think about the day when Niall comforted me on the beach.. when I was hurt the most.. when I needed someone the most and he was there..

“Emma I need to tell you something.”

“Sure what is it?”

“Ever since middle scho-“

“Hey what you guys doing out here? It’s like 5:30 in the morning.”

“Can we talk later Niall?”

“Yeah.. sure..” I felt so bad for leaving Niall outside, I just didn’t want Harry to think something was going on between us when there really isn’t.

“So what were you two doing out there?”

“We were just talking about you. How you’re a great singer and all.”

“Oh really? You love my singing don’t you?”

“It’s incredible. Now can we head up to bed I’m super tired.”

“Yeah sure love.” I wish I could go back outside to Niall, I wanted to hear what he was going to tell me. I love talking to Niall, he always puts a smile on my face. When we talk we never fight we always laugh and have a good time. Just like tonight.

Niall’s POV: I was so close... So close to telling her that I’m in love with her. That the song was for her. That I would sing that song to her every day to remind her how much I love her. But Harry just had to interrupt.

Tonight was the only night that I would have alone time with Emma because we have to go back to school tomorrow. She’ll be busy with her friends and I’ll be sitting at home with my guitar and my sorrows.  

Other than the fact that she left me outside, it was a great night. The song, the laughing, but it would have been even better to tell her my true feelings for her. The feelings I’ve had for her ever since middle school.

She is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. Everything about her it’s beautiful and amazing. I just wish I could have a way to tell her how much I truly love her..

I went back inside and went to my room and instantly fell asleep. I had the most amazing dream. If only it wasn’t a dream.

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