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a family member of mine has passed away recently so that's why this came out a day later than it was supposed to. also, i'm going to make two of the OCS a couple even though in the description they didn't like each their in that way: don't worry i got permission from them first. that would've been mean if i didn't lol. another thing... you guys don't know how much i've been dying to tell you the plot. like i'm gonna pass away with my mouth shut 😭😭 some of the macedonian writing is different, it's because google isn't letting me paste from google translate so i have to go off on what i know. anyways i hope you enjoy (:

The group had found a small, abandoned village to resort in for the time being. before they could figure out their next move.

"Wake up, rise and shine!"
Alivia brightly woke each of them up the next day. This was no problem for them, because the beds.. weren't so comfy.

Some were burnt (probably torched), some had no springs, and some looked like they were rotting, and most of them just smelt like absolute shit.

"What do you think happened, your majesty?"

Alivia jumped, hearing a voice from behind her.

"Oh, hello, Tamashi. It was defintley a raid... I saw some skulls hanging about in the cave just nearby."

Tamashi nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and the rotting gardens may be a contributing factor."

Alivia groaned and bit her cheek. The others slowly came over from the small house.

"So... we have no food."

"How so?" Eva said. she was too tired to
spit insults at the girl.

"The gardens have rotted. I guess the villagers didn't have time to harvest them before they left." Alivia said with a frown on her face as she turned to a nearby garden. the smell was suffocating, so she urged the group away on the wall of a bigger house.

"how are we gonna find food?" Simon spoke up.

"Well, obviously if she knew she would've said something."

"She knows lots of things that she didn't tell us."

"Okay, where the hell did that come from?!"

"oh, i don't know, your just selfish like that-"

an arrow shot into a nearby wall, and stalled their argument. they each went silent, and turned the corner.

"Селаните! ги најдов!"

Alivia gasped and took a random hand and ran. I'm talking sprinting in a foot long puffy dress, and the others quickly followed behind her. Them too, struggling.

"Next on the list, a change of clothes," Eva mumbled.

Tamashi and Esmeray clinged onto each other as they ran ahead, Esmeray turning her head a few times to see where everyone else was.

Tamashi suddenly came to a halt.

"What are you doing? they're hot on our tail!" Alivia hissed, and Eva surprisingly nodded.

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