harvey | oh yoba

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Oh Yoba.

Harvey forced a smile on his face and turned to face you, "Hello, Farmer." He greeted, absent-mindedly nervously playing with the cuffs of his sleeves behind his back. You sauntered over to him, basket of wine in hand as you waved at him with your free hand. 

You took a bottle of wine out and held it out towards him, "Here, I've got some extras from the farm. You drink, right?"

Harvey was surprised to say the least. At least you didn't start his day off with a.. remark that would DEFINITELY make it into his dreams tonight. He kept the smile on his face as he took the bottle, nodding gratefully. 

"I do on occasion, thank you, farmer." He chuckled, setting it on the clinic counter, leaning on it afterwards. He crossed his arms over his chest and pretended to look busy with his calendar, but saw you go on your tiptoes and look over his shoulder. 

"Hm? Where's Maru?" You asked, eyes lingering behind the empty counter. 

Harvey gulped hard. Oh Yoba, he knew where this was going. 

"She's on break. I believe she's at the library with Penny." He hummed, slowly and subtly averting his gaze elsewhere. He'd thought he'd been subtle about it, but the uncharacteristically sly smile that appeared on your face told him you'd caught on to his nervousness. 

"So it's just us two?" You asked, tilting your head at the male who DID NOT want to answer that question. He nodded, pretending to look even busier  with his calendar. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw your smile widen by the slightest. That was never a good sign. The thought was confirmed when suddenly, you leaned all your weight against his side. 

"F-Farmer-" He stammered, nearly dropping his calendar out of surprise. He stared at you with wide eyes that said, What are you doing??  You only shrugged innocently, leaning in closer to look at the calendar he seemed to be so  interested in a minute ago. 

"Any plans this week?" You whispered, Why did you whisper?  Harvey gulped again, quietly releasing a breath to recollect himself. He shook his head, a faint murmur of 'Yoba.'   almost going unheard. You inwardly grinned at that. You loved his jumpy reactions, and you knew he knew you did. 

"N-No, fortunately," He says, carefully repositioning you so leaning on him wouldn't sore his arm. You hummed at this, a small smile gracing your lips as you very casually asked him the next question. 

"Then can we go out tonight?" 

The smile on your face widened as Harvey's face burst pink in color. He expected this question, but he wasn't ready for it. He struggled to come up with a response, but you didn't give him time to, pressing the back of your hand against his forehead. 

"You look red, are you feeling okay?" You asked, giving him your best concerned face. Your eyes innocently blinked up at him, and he stared back, tranced by how gorgeous your eyes looked to him at that moment. For extra measure, you parted your mouth just slightly, and Harvey found himself drawn to your lips. They looked so soft - Yoba, his heart wasn't ready. 

"I- I.." His gaze finally broke away from your face, he looked off to the ceiling, trying so hard to avoid your gaze, but his focus broke when he felt your hands on his chest. You had your hands on his chest.

"Why are you red? Is it because I asked you out?" You said this so casually it was impossible to believe you weren't teasing him on purpose. No response came, so you continued, "We're just having dinner is all." Uh oh. "Why, did you have something else in mind?" Oh Yoba.

Harvey grunted, "No, I'm fine with dinner." He regretted looking so obvious about thinking you asked him out on a date. It's just dinner, but isn't that the same thing? Date, dinner, hm?? You smiled coyly again, reading him like a book. 

"Did you want to go on a date?" 

Oh Yoba..

Harvey reiterates his thoughts from just a few seconds ago, a nervous chuckle escaping him, "I don't see the difference." You giggle at thatpressing yourself up further against him. He's said nothing to stop you so far, which kept you going. 

Harvey's mind was spiraling. He couldn't focus on anything at all anymore. He was sure his face looked an alarmingly dark shade of red, but he couldn't help it. You were all over him, but he didn't want you to stop or think he wanted you to stop. He just had trouble responding to it all. 

His thoughts were cut off, hearing you chuckle. Confused, he glanced down to see you peel yourself off him, dusting your clothes off as you stepped away from him. You sighed happily, swinging back and forth on your heels. 

"I was joking, Doc, I don't want you to get the wrong idea." What?

"I would never like you that way." WHAT?

Harvey's mouth hung ajar, surprised and of course, hurt by the admission. He watched as you gleefully turned on your heel, skipping away to find some other man to toy with- of course you wouldn't go for a guy like him. He's one of the older bachelors, and he'd go far enough to say that his back hurts when he dances in the flower dance- Of course someone like you wouldn't like an old, plain looking, little shi-


Harvey was pulled out of his thoughts, seeing you stand there, tugging on his sleeve with eyes full of concern. He wondered how long you'd been standing there.

"Doc? Are you okay? You've been standing there for over ten minutes now." That answers it. He quickly nods, regaining composure. 

"A-Ah yes, did you need anything?" He asked.

You pulled a bottle of wine out from your basket, holding the bottle out towards him, "Oh, I just wanted to give you some extra wine I had on the farm." You smiled, pulling your hand back once he took it. Harvey blinked, Oh, was all that just..

"Anyways, are you okay? You seem really out of it." You asked. 

"Ah.. nothing to worry about, farmer." Harvey sighed, smiling, "But thank you, do you have anywhere else to be right now? I don't want to keep you."

You shook your head, "No, I don't really have anything planned today. You?"

"Me too. Would you like to stay for lunch?" Harvey hummed, surprising himself with how casually he asked that. He didn't hesitate, for once.

"I'd love to!" You grin, hooking your arm around his. 

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