Don't Tell Harry

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3rd Person P.O.V
MJ wakes up on top of the Queensboro Bridge where Green Goblin flys by upon his glider. The kids riding the sky tram watch Goblin fly pass then, thinking it was the coolest thing they have ever seen.

"The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the goblin and took the spider out." Goblin shoots a missile from his glider, destroying the sky tram on the ground. The explosion caused cars that were driving on the bridge slam on their breaks, crashing into one another.

Far away from the bridge, Spider-Man swings in, landing on top of a building to see the damage Goblin is causing. "Goblin, what have you done?" The stationary ropes that were holding the sky tram up broke, sending the cable car plummeting to the water below. Goblin grab the rope flying back up to the bridge, where he left MJ.

On top of the building, Spider-Man shoot two webs at flagpoles and starts backing up, to slingshot his way across the East river. Once he reacted the bridge, he was now able to swing his way to the top to face off against Green Goblin.

On the top of the bridge tower, Goblin held the rope to the cable car in his right hand. His left hand held MJ by her neck, dangling her over the edge. Spider-Man look between the victims, trying to think of a way to save both of them all on his own.

"SPIDER-MAN! This is why only fools are heroes. Because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice: Let die the woman you love..." Goblin held MJ up a bit higher, as she screams. "Or... ssssuffer the little children." The children inside the cable car, banged on the windows, begging for help. "SPIDER-MAN! SAVE US! SAVE US!"

"Make your choice, Spider-Man. And see how a hero is rewarded." Goblin told the hero, grinning under his mask. "Don't do it, Goblin!" Spider-Man told the madman. "We are who we choose to be. Now, choose!" Goblin let's both MJ and the children go, sending them to their doom. "NO!" Spider-Man watches as MJ and the children plummeted to the water, quickly deciding what to do.

Coming up with a plan, Spider-Man runs to the left side of the bridge leaping off to save MJ. With the woman in his arms, he swings under the bridge and grabs the rope to save the children. With both of them his grasp, Spider-Man shoots a web at the top of the bridge to hold to keep all of them from falling. Now Spider-Man was dangled under the bridge, on his web. Holding the rope of the cable car in his other hand and MJ wrapped around his body.

"Everybody stay still!" A man in the cable car told the children. Spider-Man look up at his web, seeing parts of it breaking from the weight. He won't be able to hold on for long. A light from a boat shines out, getting Spider-Man's attention. A man on the boat, uses a megaphone to call out to the brave hero. "Ahoy up there! We're gonna bring the barge right under you."

Goblin ran to the end of the bridge, looking over to see Spider-Man successfully managed to save both. He lets out an frustrated scream. If Spider-Man not going to play by his rules, then he's going to cheat as well. Jumping onto his glider, Goblin flew off the bridge and towards Spider-Man.

"AAH! HE'S COMING BACK!" MJ screamed, holding onto Spider-Man tightly. "Listen. I need you to climb down." Spider-Man told her, MJ shook her head. "I can't." She told him. "Yes, you can!"

The web starts to break even more, causing them and the cable car to fall down even further before coming to a halt. "MJ, you can do it. You have to. Trust me." MJ musters up the courage and climbs from Spider-Man onto the rope, where she begins to climb down. "Hold on tight and go quickly."

Goblin gives that sinister laughs as he flies towards Spider-Man. "HURRY!" Spider-Man told MJ, who stop and looked up at him. "I can't. I can't do it." Spider-Man quickly looked at Goblin to see he was getting closer, then back down at MJ. "Hang on, Mary Jane!"

Spider-Man: With Great Power (Female Reader Inserted)Where stories live. Discover now