With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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(Name's) P.O.V
I sat in the kitchen hunched over, my hand pressed to my bandage up forehead. "Need more aspirin?" Felicia asked, as she made herself some tea. "We're out. I ate them all." I grumbled. "How did you crack your skull again?" She asked, raising her cup up to her lips to take a sip. "I don't remember." I answered, laying my head down, to try and ease the agonizing headache I have right now.

Hearing a knock at the door, Felicia set her cup down and went to answered it. "Peter?" She asked, causing me to turn my head in the door's direction. "Yeah. Nice to meet you Felicia... in person that is." I heard Peter's voice say. "Nice to meet you, too. (Name), in the kitchen."

Felicia let Peter in, guiding him over to the kitchen where I stayed laying. Peter was dressed in all black with the only other color he had one, being a white shirt underneath his black dress coat and tie. "It's time." He told me, I raised my head, frowning.

Even if Norman turned out to be Green Goblin he was still Harry's father. We had to attend the funeral for him. Otherwise we wouldn't go, or at least I wouldn't. Even if Norman was sick, he still murdered people and tried to kill Peter and I. Norman Osborn died a monster... and that's how I'll remember him.

After Norman was lowered into his grave and buried, Peter walked down to Harry who stood in front of his father's tombstone. "Hey." Harry slowly turn around to face his best friend. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I know what it's like to lose a father."

"I didn't lose him. He was stolen from me. One day Spider-Man will pay. I swear on my father's grave, Spider-Man will pay." My eyes glance over to Peter. I can't even imagine how he's feeling right now, after hearing that.

"Thank God for you, Peter. You're the only family I have." Harry said next before he hugged Peter, who remain quite. When Harry pulled away from the hug, he turn and walked towards his limo. Peter turn to look at me, without saying a word, I understood what he wanted to say.

No matter what we do... no matter how hard we try... the ones we love will always be the ones who pay.

I looking over at Harry who was halfway to his limo. "Harry." I called out, walking down towards him. Harry stop and turn to face me, as I approached him. "Harry I..." I started, but Harry held up his hand telling me to stop. He drop his hand letting out a sigh. "It's pretty clear you're not ready for this kind of relationship. So... maybe it is better we're just friend."

"...Yeah... maybe you're right." I said, glancing down at the ground. Harry turn and started to leave without another world. "I'm sorry, Harry." I said, causing Harry to stop for a moment, before he continued walking to his limo.

I looked around for Peter to see he was talking to MJ at Ben's grave. Not long after he walked away from her, and over to me. "Hey, how are things?" I asked. "MJ told me she loved me... but I turn her down. I don't want her to get hurt again." Peter explained, eyes casted to the ground, in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Peter." Damn he really can't catch a break. His best friend wants to kill him and now the girl of his dream tells him she loves him. Only for him to turn her down in order to keep her safe.

"It's alright. It's for the best." Peter said, trying to act like he's at peace with this. But I could tell he wasn't. "Well... no matter what happens. You always have me, Pete." I said, lightly nudging him with my elbow. Peter smiles and little, lifting his eyes to look at me. "I know. Thank you, (Name)."

I smiled back and patted Peter's arm before I started walking to the exit of the graveyard. "Come on, let's get to work." Whatever life holds in store for us... We will never forget these words, 'With great power comes great responsibility'. This is our gift. Our curse. Who are we? We're Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.





I enter Dr. Octavius lab, being greeted by Rosie who was watering her plants. "(Name), what happen?" She asked, lowering her watering can to look at my bandage forehead. "I just bump my head it's no big deal." I answered, with carefree smile.

"Are you sure?" Rosie asked, reaching out to touch the bandages. "Yeah... well I cracked by skull but it's fine." I answered, causing Rosie to drop her watering can in shock. Luckily my Spider Sense kick in and I caught the water can before it could hit the floor and spill water everywhere. "You cracked your skull?! Oh my goodness are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine, it'll heal. Just got a killer headache that's all." I answered, handing her water can back to her. "Well... alright. But I don't want to see you overworking yourself. Not until you're better at least." Rosie said, pointing at me in a threatening but motherly way.

I let out a chuckle, holding up my hands in defense. "Can't make any promises, Rosie." I answered. "I know. You and Otto are two peas in a pod. You'll both be the death of me." Rosie said, turning back to her plants to continue watering them.

Later in the evening, I sat at my desk in Dr. Octavius's lab, drawing out some ideas for my Spider-Woman suit, in my notebook. One such drawing was of a basic outline of a person, with four arms coming out of the back. Makes the person look like a human spider. Would definitely help with fighting more than one thug.

"(Name)?" I yelp at the sound of Dr. Octavius behind me, and spun around to face him. "Yeah?" I asked, with a nervous smile. Dr. Octavius laughs at my nervousness. "I didn't mean to startled you. Rosie just wanted to know, if you would like to stay for dinner."

"Oh, sure! I can never turn down her cooking." I said, smiling and feeling at ease. "Neither can I." Dr. Octavius said, coming closer. "What were you doing?" He asked, making me nervous once again. "Oh uh... just doodling. Nothing special." I said, placing my hand on the notebook to cover the drawings it up.

"Mind if I take a look?" Dr. Octavius asked, reaching pass me and snatching the notebook up before I could even protest. "I... well..." I watch Dr. Octavius, bitting my bottom lip as he stares at the drawings in thought.

"Hmm. What's this one here?" He asked, pointing at the person with the four arms extra. "That's uh... a person with... robot arms?" I answered. "Hmm. I'm not sure about the robot part, but this is fascinating idea." Dr. Octavius said, placing a hand under his chin in thought. "It... is?"

"Yes... I've been trying to think of a way we can create a successful fusion. The heat alone would burn a human down to their bones. But this.... This could work. Mechanical arm that are impervious to heat and magnetism."

Dr. Octavius turn to me with a grin. "(Name), you are a genius!" He said, grabbing me by my shoulder and yanking me into a hug. "I-I am?" I asked, so bewildered I couldn't even move. Dr. Octavius pulled back from the hug, to look at me. "Yes! This is brilliant! With this, we can stabilize the fusion reaction!"

He smiled at the drawing before he turned to me again. "There's only one problem... I'm gonna need a lot of help to build these. Would you like to be my assistant?" He asked, causing me to gasp. He... he wants me to be his assistant?!

"Of course!" I said, with excitement making Octavius laugh. He held out his hand, with a smile. "Let's get started." I smile and took his hand, beginning our build of the four mechanical arms that will help mankind.

Spider-Man: With Great Power (Female Reader Inserted)Where stories live. Discover now