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Response to Alfie Deyes 10 Years Time Video:

It seems crazy, but in just 10 years I will be 26 years old. That's so insane.

I don't know what I want for dinner, so how I will decide where I want to be, I have no idea. All I know is that I don't want to base the success of my life on goals, because I like knowing that I am actually living. Regardless, if this site still stands 10 years from now and this is still available... these are the things I would like to say:

Dear Future Me,

I hope you graduated college and have chosen a career you are happy with. Although, if you chose a different path, I'm excited to find out what that is. By now, I really hope you have allowed love into your life. At this moment, I can't imagine letting something so fickle and seemingly pointless take over my heart, but by the time we read this again, I want something to change my mind.

By the time you are 26, a lot of deaths will probably happen. Many things will change, and so will you. I hope you understand that change is nothing to be afraid of. Good things can come from a wrong turn or a red light; you can notice things you haven't noticed before about yourself or others, or you can find something you would have missed if you took your pre-determined route. Do not shy away from these drawbacks because it could play a part in your leap forward.

Whatever you're doing, I want you to know I am proud of you. Growing up in our family with our background wasn't easy. It isn't everyday that a girl of our culture has the determination to get out and be something. I am so proud of you for finding a piece of yourself every once and a while, and no matter how much I think it, I don't want you to be anyone else.

Now I have to fess up; I wasn't fair to you 10 years ago. There are some things I must apologize for, although I hope you have already forgiven me.

You are not worthless, and you never were. There is passion bursting from every inch of your soul and I hope you never have to bottle that up ever again. You are not a freak for wanting to put every part of you in everything you do. I think that's your best attribute.

You are not your past. Many people will try to play this card, but I want you to know that they are naïve and possibly ignorant. You are not the decisions you make, you are not depression, you are not sadness. You are strong, you are kind when you chose to be, and you are passionate. Everything more, but nothing less.

You are not your parents. Parts of them are in you, of course, but you are not their mistakes. Do not shy away from children because you are afraid of not being a good mother. Do not shy away from living on your own because you are afraid of debt. Live your life, make your mistakes, and leave them be.

You can do anything. Everyone told you this, but this is why I believe it's true:

You have determination. You don't do anything unless you feel it in your heart that it is something you should do. That is why you are so successful. With a heart and mind like that, I truly believe you can do anything you put your mind to.

Lastly, future me, I love you. Past us didn't make it seem so, and sometimes I don't either, but it is the truth. I love you and all your quirks, the love handles you can't seem to get rid of and how you never like a picture you take. I love all of you for who you are because you are simply amazing.


Present you


It took me forever to write this, but I'm glad I did. I would love it if one of you guys wanted to write your future self a letter too. Dedicate it to me and I'll read it and we can experience this together.

But only if you want. ☺️

I also highly recommend watching Alfie Deyes and Will Darbyshire's 10 years time videos because they were simply enlightening. Plus, both of them are amazing people and make great videos. So yeah.

Try to treat yourselves well and I'll see you reaaaaal soon xx

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