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To everyone who has been here since YTOIW hanggang sa AA tapos nadagdag pa yung KJ OS and ngayon, for my last story—YSNM. Thank you, thank you!♡ Walang kaso kung active reader or silent reader ka, I owe you guys gratitude. I apprecuate it A LOT. Tenchu for supporting my stories kahit na feeling ko hindi siya worth it basahin. 

I might not be as good as the other authors but atleast I tried my best to give you the best story I could hehe.

So let's end it here. Thank you so much! Lahamz ko kayue ♡

Please remember that endings are also new beginnings.


"Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!" They all sang a birthday song as they've welcomed Dianne.

"omg! Daddy, I hate you!! sabi ko naman sayo okay na sakin yung simple celebration eh!!" Dianne mocked as she saw how her surprise birthday was. It was a mixture of Elegance and Simplicity.

"A special celebration for a special girl like you. I love you anak." Elio uttered as he enveloped Dianne in his arms.

Greetings everywhere.


I am shaking because of too much nervousness on my system. I heard them sing the birthday song and that was my cue to stand up and bring the cake near her.

I peaked through the curtains where I was hiding.

"Okay, before we finally start this celebration. Let us just wait for few moments para makapagprepare ang ating debutante."

"Hey, okay ka lang?" I was startled when someone spoke from behind—Elio.

"O-ofcourse, y-yes I am."

"Hindi ka talaga magaling magsinungaling." He jokingly said as he held my hands. Shet naman Elio wag ka muna malandi di pa tayo okay.

I distanced myself. Baka rumupok ako bigla.

"Huwag ka nang kabahan. Excited yon, tinanong nga ako kanina kyng dumalaw ba daw sakanya yung Mommy niya..." I don't know how to react with it basta ang alam ko lang masaya yung puso ko, hinanap ako ng anak ko—anak namin.


Elio nod his head and put his arms around my shoulder. "Syempre hahanapin ka non, tagal niya kayang naghintay na makilala ka."

"Mister yung kamay mo medyo mabigat, medyo nag-eenjoy ha!" We both chuckled with it then silence came. Nakatitig lang kami sa isa't isa.

I smiled at him, opened my arms like a mother waiting for my child to run to me and embrace me.

All I got was Elio's confused face na para bang hindi makuha kung ano ang gusto kong iparating.

"Ang slow slow mo talaga kahit kailan." I said and rolled my eyes. Instead, I slowly walk near him "Bagal mo pa rin talaga..." I said the moment I reach near him. Wrapping my arms around his neck making our noses touch each other's.

"Hindi na...pero siniguro ko muna kung tama ba yung intindi ko kasi baka mamaya ma—" I gave him a swift peck on his lips "Dami pang sinasabi" I jokingly said before giving him another peck on the lips before I turned my back on him.

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