Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hey guys! So I just started Silence, and I’m not sure where the plot is headed towards, but I had a really good idea for a story so I had to write it down! And don’t forget to read my other story, He’s the One. It’s a One Direction fan fiction, but Silence isn’t. Anyways, enjoy and don’t forget ot vote/comment/fan/whatever else you do! Special dedication to @Pictures_For_Annipel for the amazing cover! Kisses <3

Olivia’s POV

One stupid talent show. That’s all it took. I could’ve stayed in bed and rested my voice like the doctor said, but, being my old stubborn self, I still had to go perform in the stupid talent show. Of course, that backfired in my face, hugely.

My name’s Olivia Grace Green. I was born in Chicago, but, when I was 4, my family moved to Los Angeles, California. I have light brown hair that reaches my waist, and blue eyes. I’ve always thought it was a weird mix, but my parents thought I looked beautiful. "Love what God gave you," is what they always said. 


In Sophomore year, I auditioned for the talent show, and I intended on singing Hallelujah, but, a week before the actual talent show, I had strained my voice. My parents took me to the doctor to get it checked, and he told me to rest it and not talk for about two weeks. But then the realization hit me that it would mean I had to skip the talent show. I couldn’t! I just couldn’t! Not only was my crush, Austin, in it, but the winner would get a $5,000 scholarship to Julliard, the university of my dreams.

So, I snuck out that Friday night and went to perform in the talent show. In the middle of singing, I felt an intense pain in my throat, and I instantly passed out. When I woke up, I found myself lying on a hospital bed with wires attached to my throat and arms and everywhere that were hooked up to a machine. I looked around and saw my mom asleep on the couch and my dad was AWOL, probably in the cafeteria looking for some pie or something.

I tried stretching, but my arms were sore and my throat with still burning. A few seconds later, a doctor came in and my mom instantly woke up.

“Oh, you’re awake. I was actually wondering if I could talk to your mother, sweetie.” I wanted to say yes, but no sound came out of my mouth. Now that I mention it, I was incredibly thirsty.

My mom walked out of the room, and they were saying something, but I couldn’t read lips, so I was completely clueless. What the hell was going on?

Olivia’s Mom’s POV

“Mrs. Green-” The doctor started.

“Please. Call me Julie. Mrs. Green is my mother-in-law.”

“Julie, I’m sorry to say this, but Olivia’s vocal chords have been damaged, and we’re going to give her some medication, but it may not help.” The doctor had dragged me out of the room, but I really wanted to stay with Olivia. I had some idea of what he was saying, but I needed clarification.

“I’m sorry, doctor. But what does that mean?”

“It means that Olivia has lost her voice. We’re not sure how long, but it’s more than likely permanent.” It hit me. Olivia, my baby, had no voice anymore. Her beautiful heavenly voice. I was never going to hear it again. I broke into tears and fell into the arms of the doctor. He seemed surprised at first, but soon comforted me. “I’m really sorry. There is vocal therapy that she could try, but her esophagus has gone through too much to handle it right now. Possibly in a couple years she can try some experimental surgery."

After about five minutes of crying in the doctor’s arms, I pulled myself together. I had to tell Olivia, but how? I knew she loved singing, and now she couldn’t. Hell. She couldn’t even speak! God, why do bad things happen to such good people? Robby, my husband, finally came back, and I explained the whole situation to him.

“I’ll leave you alone. You may want to tell Olivia soon.” And with that, the doctor walked away.

With Robby at my side, we walked into Olivia’s hospital room, 35B. At the sight of my angel, I broke down again. I knew that she was worried about me, but I couldn’t help it. How was I going to tell her? Singing was her life. She had singing lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays and spent half the day humming a tune or singing a song. This was not happening.

*Flashback Ends*

Olivia’s POV

So that’s when my life fell apart. I soon learned sign language and so did my parents, and we even moved to a different city so I could start over. Both my parents got new jobs, and our house was comfortable. It was warm, but had that homey feel to it. I had told my old friends what happened, and I had missed them, but now they were only a faded memory, along with my past, which included singing and anything else related to it.

My new school, The School for Deaf and Mute (great name, huh?), was close to home, so I walked every day with my best friend, Haven. She also lost her voice, but it was a birth defect, so she’s used to it.

I still have trouble every now and then. I can somewhat speak, but it all comes out as a slurr, well, more like a groan. I can form the words with my mouth, but barely any noise comes out of my throat. My parents send me to vocal therapy three times every week, and it helps, but I have such little faith that I will ever recover.

My parents can sometimes understand what I’m saying. Simple words like “Thanks” or “Help” come out like “Angs” and “Ep”, but they know what I mean. I still go to the doctor once every month to check up on my throat. See, my voice box wasn’t harmed, but my throat. I have to limit the amount of noise I make, so that I don’t harm my throat again.

I also have to drink a glass of salt water to cleanse my esophagus, which I think is disgusting. It makes me feel like I’m drinking the ocean water or something.

Things have been settling down, and we’re somewhat used to my new lifestyle, but I can’t help and think what my life would be like if I never went to that talent show. Would I be trying to get into Julliard right now instead of going to a deaf and mute school? Would I still be singing?

I need to live with my mistakes. Your actions have consequences, and I’m suffering with mine right now. I wish I could just wake up the next morning and find out that everything that had happened in the last two years was just a dream. If only.

(A/N) Hey guys! What do you think so far? This one is not going to be long… maybe 25 chapters? I don’t know, but I think it’s good right now. Like I said before, don’t forget to go check out my other story, He’s the One.

Also, is anyone else’s Wattpad all screwed up? It says that everything was updates 0 seconds ago and that all the stories have 0 reads. Well, Wattpad’s messed up right now, but I’m still updating because I’m just that cool.

I love your faces and don’t forget to vote/comment/fan!

P.S. I’m not going to update the next chapter until I get 10 comments/votes/reads. Maybe not reads since Wattpad is weird… but I’ll try that. It seems reasonable right?

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