Chapter 5

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(A/N) Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been updating lately, but tests and projects and life in general is just in my way. I have three tests on Friday, and eulogy for some woman in History due on Monday and I’ve just been really stressed. But, if you’ve stuck by me the whole time, I love you!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter.

Ex Oh Ex Oh

Olivia’s POV

I pushed him off to end the kiss a soon as he started it. What the hell was he thinking? He had literally just asked Haven out!

I looked at him with my eyes wide as golf balls, and he just stood there with a smirk on his face.

Signing quickly, I asked him “What the hell are you doing?”

 I can’t believe he actually kissed me. On my own doorstep. Who does he think he is?

“Well, babe, I just kissed you.” Well thanks Captain Obvious.

“No fucking dur! But why?” My mind was racing with so many questions, but I had one that was dying to be answered. Do I tell Haven?

“Because I felt like it,” he signed, looking at me with amusement clear in his eyes.

“So? Just because you feel like it doesn’t mean you can!” I was literally moving my hands with such force that I was surprised I didn’t hit anything.

“Actually, yeah it does.”


“If you don’t remember what happened a few months ago, I’ll gladly remind you.”

A few months ago? What happened a few months ago? I stood there, under my door, and Anthony just walked right in and plopped down on my couch. Confused and still shocked, I made my way over to where he was.

Shit. I’m in some pretty deep shit. Why the hell did I let Haven talk me into this?

Basically, I was stupid enough to let Haven convince me to go to a party at Anthony’s house. I was just ungrounded and luckily, my parents let me go. But, of course, I was stupid enough to drive even though I had a little bit of alcohol. So, karma decides to bite me in the ass and I get into a car accident.

Well, I drive into a tree. I promise, it popped out of nowhere!

For some random reason, Anthony saw me and decided to pull over.

“Hey,” he signed. Like I was, he was only partially mute, so he was allowed to hold a driver’s license. “Need help?”

“Yeah I do actually.” I signed, swaying a little bit, a result from the alcohol. He looked shamelessly up and down my body, checking me out. “I wrecked my car, but I can’t get in trouble again! Help me, please?”

It took a while for him to respond, but finally, he did. “Sure, but only on one condition.”


“Then, that’s just it. Whenever I want anything, you’ll give it to me.” Hm. Didn’t seem that bad, but then again, that was probably the tequila talking.


“And, so, right now, I want you.” What? No. What?

“Okay. You need to get out right now.” I stood and pushed Anthony off the couch and towards the door. But, as I got to the stairs, he pushed me towards the wall and had me trapped between his two arms. No matter how hard I hit his chest, he wouldn’t budge.

 Before I knew it, he lips crashed onto mine. I tried to escape from him, but his hold on me was too strong. I couldn’t move.

He backed away for a mere second to regain his breath, but that was it.

He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I obviously wasn’t going to allow him. He groaned in frustration, and, just when I thought I’d won, he bit my bottom lip and I yelped in pain.

Taking advantage of the moment, he slipped his tongue in between my teeth and explored my mouth. I bit down on his tongue, and he backed away in pain. Luckily, I bit his tongue hard enough to make it bleed.

Hey. Don’t make me sound like the bad guy. He was basically raping me!

Anthony looked at me with anger in his eyes, and then, slapped me. Right across the cheek.

I bent over in pain, and placed my hand on the spot his hand had contacted with. I looked back up at him, full of hate and fright.

Sighing, he said, “Yeah. I’m the one in charge here. And let’s not forget your little promise.”

“I was drunk! You just took advantage of my situation!” I replied, full of rage and fury.

Just then, he attacked me again. This time, grabbing my wrists and placing them on the top of my head against the wall so I couldn’t move the slightest bit. Smirking, again, he leaned in for another kiss.

I twisted my head so that his lips ended on my cheek. Knowing I had infuriated him, I took the chance to run away. Up the stairs and across the hall. Soon, I heard some foot steps behind me and knew that he wasn’t far behind.

Glancing backwards, I saw him maybe a foot or so behind me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t looking where I was going and tripped on something, falling right on my face, giving Anthony the opportunity to catch up to me.

And, once again, I was trapped under his arms, but, this time, I was lying on the ground and he was on top of me. None of his weight was on me since he was supporting himself with his arms, but I was still barred there.

He bent his head, and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. It was obvious he had been drinking prior.

Just as his lips came in contact with mine, he was pulled off of me and pummeled to the ground. Shocked, I looked up and saw Austin punching Anthony in the face.

Anthony, on the floor and covered in blood, hit him back in the jaw, and hard. I gasped, but couldn’t move. I was frozen to the spot in fear.

What was happening? How did Austin get in to my house? What would’ve happened if Austin hadn’t come in? Would Anthony have raped me?

My attention snapped back to the scene in front of me when I heard a loud snap. It sounded like bones breaking. Shit.

I looked up and saw Anthony, on the floor, covered in blood. Austin came running towards me and then cradled me in his arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I responded with a slight nod of my head. I looked back at Anthony, with concern in my eyes. Sure. He might’ve almost raped me, but I can’t stand the idea of death.

“He’s probably okay,” Austin whispered, obviously noticing how nervous I was. Probably okay??? “He’s just knocked out. But are you okay?” He looked into my eyes, and the moment would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for the fact that I was literally just almost raped and he had just beaten up a kid.

I nodded my head again, and, with that, my eyelids began to droop and a dark haze wiped over me.

(A/N) I know it’s pretty short, or at least it felt like it, but too bad. Jkjk I love you all! Sorry I haven’t updated. I’ve just had a whole ton of writer’s block and school’s been really busy. The trimester’s almost ending and I have to do so much stuff for high school next year and I just haven’t had the time to write. I sort of just wiped through this chapter, but if there are any errors, feel free to tell me. I’m open up to criticism.

Kisses I love your face!

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