Chapter 2

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Dipper's POV

  I walked back upstairs to wrap my arm. I hardly felt it. In fact, I welcomed the pain. My family just didn't understand. But they would. They all would. I heard Bill's voice enter my mind. 'My plan will unfold soon pinetree. You will get your vengeance.' I smiled. 'But first I need more power. That power I can only get if we destroy the other two journals.' Bill continued. I hadn't thought much about the mysterious journals. 'I need you to get them for me. Or at least help me find them.' Bill said.

  Where would they be? Last I knew Gideon had Journal #2 but that must be long gone by now. Maybe it was here. "I'll go see if I can find them in the shack." I answered. "They could be anywhere in Gravity Falls but this seems like a logical place to start." I then finished wrapping my arm, and headed back down to the bunker type thing.

Mabel's POV

  I heard approaching steps coming down. What did he want? To cause more pain to us? Bill Dipper came into sight. He glanced at us, then began to rumage around the room. He was searching for something, but what? After frantically searching, Dipper just ran a hand through his hair and walked back up. Strange. That's when I heard Grunkle Stan. "I think I know what he's looking for." I turned to him.


  "The other two journals." Grunkle Stan replied. I remembered how shocked both Dipper and I were when we discovered that there were two other journals written by the mysterious author.

  "But why would he want those?" Wendy asked from a way off.

  "He said he wants to take over the town right? I'm not sure but those journals might help him do it and we can't have that. I actually have the second journal." Grunkle Stan answered.

  "What? How did you get it?" I asked surprised.

  "When you two took down Gideon, I took it from him when no one noticed. I thought it was useless and fake, so I threw it down here. Mabel I think you can reach it. It's in that desk near your cage." Grunkle Stan said. I looked and saw the drawer. Stretching out my arm, I managed to open it and saw the journal's tip. I grabbed it and thought I saw another object in there but I paid no mind.

  "I got it!" I said.
  "Good. Now maybe we can use one of the spells in there to help us get out of here. But whatever we do, you must keep it hidden Mabel. We can't let Bill take it or else Gravity Falls will be doomed." Grunkle Stan said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around the journal protectively.

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