"Where the Hell is he?!.."

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/I'm sorry for the song but like it was what I was listening too so ✌️😗/ Btw In this Sam is kinda.....uh...idk the word for it but you'll see/

Tommy is sleeping up against the wall with his little sprout ling. Dream moved around in tommy's lap a little and Tommy instantly grabbed him and hugged him close. Sam was outside the prison since he was able to fix the little error in the prison after getting back. He went inside getting through all the little "stages", he finally got to the lever and called out for the "child" hoping he was alright so he wouldn't have to worry about telling the other members about a dead child that was supposed to be in his care. When Sam didn't get a reply he worried the kid might be dead. He rushed to open the gate only to see Tommy sleeping but Dream wasn't there...."Tommy Wake the fuck up" Sam said Impulsively as he got on the bridge shooting an arrow close to the button to hit it. "Tommy WAKE UP", and with that Tommy woke up but the child was still asleep on his lap and Sam did even notice him. "Where the fuck is Dream?" Sam said suddenly grabbing Tommy once he reached across and let the barrier down, "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" Tommy was panicking not only because Dream was asleep but because he didn't know how to explain to Sam the situation. Tommy calmed a little and proceeded to say "Sam calm down and Unhand me" ..Sam glared at Tommy and put him down roughly but due to Tommy's Strength he was alright, "Tommy where is Dream.." Sam kept asking and Tommy was annoyed at that point. "If you would let me speak then I would tell you prick" Tommy spat back with every intention to annoy Sam. All of a sudden loud cried started to erupt from the prisons main cell, Sam covered his ears because the cry sounded like the shrieking of a beast but Tommy could handle it, "Shh it's ok Sprout I'm right here" Tommy tried to whisper and grabbed the ghost child and began to cradle him until he quieted down.
Sam didn't know what to think once he looked down and realized there was a child in the cell....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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