"I apologize..."

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/I will skip to after 4 weeks in the prison/I need to update my other book ;-;/

Tommy is trying his best to feed Dream the disgustingly raw potatoes but Dream just won't eat it. He hasn't eaten any of it for 2 weeks and if Tommy shoved it in his mouth Dream would spit it out and cry which caused Tommy to get extremely frustrated with him. Tommy tried again after a little while and Dream slapped the potato out of his hand and huffed, this did it for tommy and without thinking he yelled "WHY ARE YOU SO STUBBORN IVE BEEN TRYING TO HELP YOU BUT ALL YOUR STUPID WHINING IS PISSING ME OFF", Dream listened to everything tommy said taking it all in understanding every word. Tommy looked over at Dream realizing what he said and saw that Dream's pretty eyes began to build up tears and with that Dream cried as loud as he could signaling he was hurt by the words said, Tommy immediately panicked. Tommy reached over to bring Dream closer to him and tried his best to cradle him, Dream just continued to kick and scream/cry tommy began to whisper in his ear, "Shhh my little sprout it's ok I's sorry I didn't mean it" Tommy desperately tried to quiet him down but Dream continued to cry. Tommy inhaled and began singing a soft lullaby and to tommy's surprise it worked because Dream stopped kicking and his loud crying turned into soft sobs which were then turned to low whining and sleepy eyes. He was getting sleepier and sleepier due to all the crying and energy well spent. Tommy quietly whispered "Goodnight little D" Tommy planted a small kiss on the adorable ghost child's head, he then placed him down allowing him to sleep peacefully. Tommy had then realized he cared for him and would do anything for his happiness not caring if it was once his enemy/manipulator. He denied it and cringed at it at first but he's grown closer to him.

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