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/once again you can choose to listen to the song as its not important to the story what so ever/\the story will be in a narrators point of view if that makes sense/

Little Dream is sleeping peacefully on the cold obsidian ground sucking on his thumb due to that soothing him as he sleeps and that's kinda normal for toddlers/babies to do. Tommy wakes up after a few minutes with a quiet yawn having enjoyed his sleep to get away from the "Tyrant" blob man. "oh yea I forgot I was here...." Tommy says with a grunt. He looks at the lava realizing that was the only sound in the room, curious he decides to look at the blob man only to see a child sleeping peacefully on the ground snoring quietly. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK", Tommy screamed only to wake the innocent child and to tommy's dismay the child started crying. He looked over at the small child a noticed his ghostly features and it clicked...."Dream is dead"....then tommy thought, why is there a child here-..."OMG YOU ARE DREAM", Tommy accidently screamed again make the little dream scream louder, tommy then realized that dream was crying so he started to head over to the corner to calm the child but then stopped "Why the fuck was I about to help that bastard......but he's a child", a sigh can be heard from the teenager". Tommy started crawling to the corner again picking up Dream and rocking him back and forth, he then proceeded to sing soft lullabies hoping he would fall asleep and thankfully he did. Tommy smiled at the child, "What the hell?....did I just smile at him....." suddenly dream started to snuggle up to tommy smiling while still sleeping snapping tommy out of his thoughts. "I guess you are a little cute but I still hate you".

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