Chapter One

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"Your calculations are wrong."

"No they're not. They're never wrong."

"I'm telling you, they're wrong," you insisted.

"You're smart. Just not as smart as me," Tony retorted, messing up your hair with a grin.

"Ask Jarvis then," you shot back. "He's a computer—built by you, may I add."

He didn't even hesitate. "Jarvis?"

"This is Y/n's specialty," the AI said simply.

You could see the moment Tony understood the meaning behind the statement. He opened his mouth and closed it over and over again, clearly speechless.

You couldn't help but break into a little happy dance and pump your fist in the air. Take that, universe!

"That's impossible." As usual, Tony hated admitting he was wrong but, while grumbling, he still took your work.

You were about to rub it in his face when a siren went off and the room was plunged into darkness, safe for the red lights.

"Code Alien," Jarvis announced as Tony scrambled for his armor across the room. "Emergency in New York of Chitauri."

Tony cursed as he banged his toe on the pile of metal on the floor. He finally found his armor star and pressed it on his chest.

"Stay. Here," was all he said before he shot up a tube out of the room, leaving you alone.

"Locking exits," Jarvis announced and the doors into the room closed. You didn't bother checking if they were locked—Tony was careful.

Just not careful enough to stop a curious teenager from wanting to have fun.


"You're missing the point," Tony said as he walked towards someone that was blocked from your vision. "There's no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. If we can't protect Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."

You crawled further down the air vents to get a view of the stranger Tony was talking to. You could have sworn you saw a rat along the way and were doing your best to ignore the possibility that you were crawling in rat poo.

Tony sipped the drink in his hand, looking to not have a care in the world—though his flexed hand said differently—while the shadow of the stranger came closer, "How would your friends have time for me when they're so busy fighting you?"

Tony's face was hidden from your view but you were sure he was just as confused as you were. A golden...rod was placed on his chest but all Tony did was look down at it and shrug.

There was an awkward silence for a moment when nothing happened and you did everything in your power to not burst out laughing. What a joke of a villain.

The rod was pressed to Tony's chest again and still nothing happened. "This usually works."

"Ah well, performance issues...not uncommon, one out of five-" A pale hand wrapped around Tony's throat, lifting him off the ground, cutting him off.

You had listened to the Avengers training hundreds of times and practiced their moves until you could do it in your sleep but, at that moment, you forgot everything you were supposed to do during a crisis, just laying in the vents like a coward.

Tony was thrown on the floor and he spit out blood as he tried to support himself with his arm. "Jarvis, any time now."

The villain—who you could now see was a tall black haired man with gorgeous blue eyes—came and picked Tony up by his throat once more because, apparently, the first time wasn't enough.

"You all will fall before me," he practically growled and proceeded to throw Tony out the window, shattering glass all over the floor.

You made a very ungrateful snort-like sound. Tony had fallen out of buildings a hundred times during his suit training.

Only once the man looked up straight at you did you realize you were supposed to be silent. His mouth curled into an evil grin and you spewed every curse word you could think of as you scrambled backwards in the vent.

"Shit shit shiiit." You knew the exact moment you were fucked was when the metal in the vent started bending as if pulled by an outside source.

Tony was going to kill you was your only thought as the vent cracked in half and you tumbled down probably 25 feet onto the ground.

"Fucking hell," you muttered as you cradled your likely broken arm.

Blue tipped fingers touched your chin, lifting your head up so you looked right at your doom. He was surprisingly not...hideous. He was actually kind of gorgeously drool worthy.

Blue-green eyes swirling with emotion you couldn't recognize were pulled away from you as Tony rammed into him and they crashed into a wall.

"I wish I was surprised you were out here." Tony gave you a glare that clearly said 'We will talk later.'

He sent a beam of energy from his glove at the man, who promptly fell out of the tower, breaking yet another glass plane.

You cursed again as the building shook and you fell on your arm. Yup. Definitely broken.

Tony gave you one last glare before flying out of the building. One glance outside told you he was heading to the portal-thing in the sky.

"Y/n, it is time to return to safety," Jarvis announced. Normally, you would have flipped him off but, fuck, your arm hurt, so you let him lead you back to a safe room.

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