Chapter Three

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You had gone to your room to go to sleep but, hours later, you were still wide awake. All you could think about was how the cat easily brushed off your attempts.

He didn't look like he even broke a sweat, while you, on the other hand, had given all you had. There was only so much Google could teach you about focusing your magic.

If you wanted any chance at really helping with it, you needed to find a trainer. Someone to teach you how to use it.

But then Tony would know, you reminded yourself. Which cannot happen.

An announcement from Jarvis jolted you from your thoughts. "They are waiting for you downstairs."

Anxiously pulling on the hem of your hoodie, you thanked the AI and made your way downstairs where Natasha and Tony waited, having insisted on spending the important moment with you.

They waited patiently as you sat down on a couch and looked at the clock projected onto a wall that read a minute to midnight.

"It's going to sting a bit when it appears, but that will just let you know where it is," Tony said, as if he hadn't already told you a hundred times.

The moment the clock hit midnight, your right hand burned. Burned like hell. Clenching your teeth, you watched in fascination as the mark etched itself into your hand. The swirl started at your middle finger, working its way around your hand, up your arm. It almost looked like you had gotten a tattoo.

Not even a moment later, your other arm started to burn. Wait, what?

Tony said something but you were so focused on the burn traveling up your left arm that was covered by your cast that you missed it.

You nodded and smiled, hoping that had been the right response to whatever he said as your mind scrambled to figure out what the hell was going on.

Did you have...two soulmates? No. No, that's not possible. It was probably just...cast burn or something. Yeah. Cast burn. That was a thing, right?

The universe hates me.

"Okay great." Tony stood up. "Thanks."

Wait, what did you just agree to?

"I hope to be back in a week but, if you need anything, don't be afraid to call."

"Fury is coming soon to pick up our prisoner so he won't bother you," Natasha added, giving you an odd look that you couldn't decipher.

"No!" You blurted out.

"No?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Why not? That...was a very good question. "I uh...I could..try and question him more." Great job. That was a reasonable answer.

"Fury's got guys for that," he assured you.

Not even sure what made you fight for this, you responded, "It'll give me something to do while you're gone."

He opened his mouth to argue but Natasha put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "She'll be fine."

She leaned closer and whispered in his ear. She likely didn't plan for you to hear, but, once again, your mind automatically adjusted to let you hear. "She just wants to feel helpful. Let her."

He sighed. "Fine. But Jarvis will be watching to make sure you're okay."

"Thank you!" You beamed at him. Whatever reasons Natasha felt she had, you weren't going to complain about getting what you wanted. Even if you weren't sure why you wanted it.


The sound of your footsteps echoed in the almost-empty building at midnight, hours after everyone had left you alone in with the cat.

Well, besides Jarvis, who was watching your every move and reporting to Tony you were sure.

Unable to sleep, you shoved another piece of pizza in your mouth (you didn't even want to think about how many you had consumed) as you paced about.

For as long as you could remember, Tony had protected you like you were a fragile piece of glass. He refused to give you real training, convinced he could shield you from the world.

If you told him about the power you wielded, he would poke and prod you in an attempt to get rid of it—the one thing that gave you confidence.

This cat, while a villain, could be your only chance at learning to control them. It wasn't as if you had to release him. Maybe if you just talked to him...

No no. Tony would kill you. And then him. And then Fury would kill Tony. It would be a bloodbath of death.

Okay, so you couldn't talk to him with Tony's knowledge. Jarvis would report the incident to him...unless the AI never found out.

As a bored child cooped up in a technology geek's dream, Jarvis had become your favorite thing to take apart and change. Blocking the security cameras in the holding cell would be a piece of cake.


"What," the cat sneered. "Is that?"

He hissed as you pushed the box into his holding cell. "It's pizza."

"Like I would eat that."

"I'd bet it's been a long time since you were last fed," you said between mouthfuls of your own slice. "You must be hungry."

"I could go centuries without food," he spat but his little cat nose flared, the aroma of pizza filling the room.

He sat down, curling his tail around his paws as if he'd rather starve than accept the offering. His stubbornness almost rivaled yours.

"Who are you?" He gave no indication that he heard you so you tapped on the glass. That finally got his attention, even if it was only to glare at you.

"I am a god, you puny mortal," he spat. "I answer to no one."

"It's only you and me here. I'm no one," you said softly. "You could at least start with your name."

He didn't say anything for a long time. Long enough that you sighed and prepared to stand up when he spoke. "Loki."


"My name is Loki Laufeyson," he repeated. "Thor is my brother in name only."

"Thor? The huge guy with the hammer?" You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to find the similarities between the blond haired blue eyed man and the black cat before you and came up with nothing.

"On Midgard, you would say I was adopted," to your surprise, he clarified.

"Something we have in common then," you responded. "Though my adoptive parents are dead."

"You killed them," he said and your eyes widened.

"I-'s not-" you stuttered out. "What...what would make you say that?"

A sinister smile filled his face and you stumbled up, almost tripping over your feet to get away.

His evil grin haunted you as you ran out of the room. You killed them.


This version is so much better than the original I promise 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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